
Fachgebiet Erweiterte Realität (Prof. Gudrun Klinker)
Research Group for Augmented Reality

The DWARF Annotated Augmented Reality Bibliography

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Introduction & Surveys

  • R. Azuma, A Survey of Augmented Reality
    This is the survey that is cited almost everywhere. Gives a nice overview of the ideas (but already quite old - from 1995)

  • R. Azuma, Y. Baillot, R. Behringer, S. Feiner, S. Julier, B. MacIntyre, Recent advances in augmented reality
    A follow-up to the original survey; gives some more recent developments, but is not as important as the original one.


This is a collection of papers related to various aspects of Tracking.

Marker-based Optical Tracking (usually ARToolkit)

This paper describes an algorithm that uses a set of (ARToolkit) markers for multi-marker tracking of larger volumes.It also analyses the errors that appear during calibration of such a setup.

Error Functions for Tracking

  • B. Hoff, ?, IWAR 99

Ubiquitous Tracking

see also UbitrackRelevantPapers and UbitrackMath?.

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