
Submission of Papers

  • The maximum number of pages for your submitted paper is 10 (including abstract and references). The minimum number of pages for your submitted paper is 8 (including abstract and references). The conference organizers reserve the right to reject papers that are over or below the page limits.
  • Please submit full-color figures (if needed).
  • We recommend you to use the following structure for your submitted paper: Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion. This is however not a requirement.

  • You have the possibility to upload additional supporting files such as videos or source code, too. Please note that your total submission size cannot exceed 10.0 MB (including your submission document and any additional material). If you cannot comply with this limit, please contact .

  • The review process will be double-blind. This means that the authors and affiliations should be omitted from the review version of the paper. If the paper cites the authors' own work (and identifies it as such) the reference to the cited work should be omitted from the bibliography.

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