Prof. Dr. Bjoern Menze
TU München
Informatik, I16
Boltzmannstr. 3
D-85748 Garching
Office: MSB/IMETUM 1.102 (
Tel: +49 89 289 10930
Office hours: by appointment via email
Professor Menze conducts research in the field of medical image computing. He develops algorithms that analyze biomedical images using models from computational physiology and biophysics. The emphasis of this work is on applications in clinical neuroimaging and the personalized modeling of tumor growth. He has organized workshops on medical computer vision and on neuroimaging at MICCAI, NIPS and CVPR, served as a member of the program committee of MICCAI and is a member of the editorial board of the Medical Image Analysis journal.
Professor Menze studied physics in Heidelberg (Germany) and Uppsala (Sweden) and obtained a Ph.D. in computer science from Heidelberg University in 2007. He subsequently moved to Boston (USA) where he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University, Harvard Medical School and MIT. This was followed by a research position at Inria in Sophia-Antipolis (France) and then by a senior researcher and lecturer position at ETH Zurich (Switzerland). In 2013 he was the first scholar to have been appointed a Rudolf Moessbauer Professor at TUM. He now heads the 'Image-based Biomedical Modeling Group' at the Munich School of Bioengineering.