
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Interdisciplinary Project for Diploma in Computer Science, minor in Physics (TUM)

Title: Gamma Probe Modelling and Calibration for SPECT Reconstruction
Abstract: When dealing with cancer a resection of the malignant tissue is an often made choice of therapy. During the last steps of the diagnosis the tumor is marked with a proper tracer and localised in a PET/CT scan on which the surgical procedure will be planned on. As the anatomy changes until and during the intervention the use of the preoperative PET/CT scan is suboptimal for localizing the tumor during the surgery. Our project aims toward a system that allows to examine the tissue ’on the fly’, using the information of the PET/CT scan combined with data from a gamma-probe, to update changes in malignant anatomy. With this system finding the tumor will be easier, faster and more accurate so the surgery will be less invasive. Moreover it will not only take less time but the surgeon will also know how malignant anatomy has deformed from the moment of the acquisiton of the preoperative data allowing him to find and resect tumors that have moved or were not visible in the preoperative images or very small tumors that are normally not resected as the suregon cannot find them only with the preoperative images. Further the surgeon can identify tumors that are not longer alive and thus do not need to be resected making the procedure less invasive. As the gathered information of the PET/CT is 4D (activity + position) and the one of the gamma-probe and tracking system is 7D (activity + position + orientation), models for gamma activity aquisition will be needed, to make a transformation that will allow to combine the measurements of both devices. The output of this work should be a family of models that allow the transformation for the measurements of the gamma-probe, with different levels of complexity and accuracy, into a frame where their comparison with the PET/CT data set is possible. These models will thus allow an intraoperative reconstruction of the radioactivity distribution in space and as a consequence monitoring changes in the anatomy of malignant tissue during the surgery
Student: Alexander Hartl
Director: Nassir Navab & Sibylle Ziegler
Supervisor: Thomas Wendler, Joerg Traub
Type: IDP
Status: finished
Start: 2006/06/01
Finish: 2006/12/31
Thesis (optional):  

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