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DragonSkin customization

This topic contains information on how to change user-configurable look-and-feel aspects of Dragonskin. See DragonSkinInstall for installation instructions, and DragonSkin for some general information about the skin.

TWiki variables used by DragonSkin

The following TWikiVariables are specific to DragonSkin and control various look and feel aspects of the skin:

CSS font size for the overall body of the page.
CSS font size for the left menu (relative size values will compound with the body font size).
CSS font size for the edit/attach/etc menubar on the top of each view page (relative size values will compound with the body font size).
CSS font family. Applies to all pages.
Set this variable to "none" to turn off display of the quicklinks menu.
String to use for the quicklinks submenu heading.
HTML unordered list containing the quicklinks menu items.
CSS statements that will get embedded in every view page (meant for adding short bits of style to a specific topic). These CSS statements are only included in view pages, not in edit, preview or oops pages. See the section below on "Recovering from a bad DS_TOPICCSS setting" for reasons why. Surround a topic-specific CSS setting with HTML comments to hide the CSS statements. Set the variable to a blank value on your wiki home page to disable seeing custom css styles.
Lets one chose between various look and feels. Supported themes at this time are "gray" (the default), "monochrome", and "tabstyle".

You can test out settings on one page (such as a Sandbox page) using variables set within that topic.

The colored bands on the top and bottom of each page is set via the standard TWiki WEBBGCOLOR variable. This is usually set on a per-web basis, in order to provide a consistent indication of which web a page is in.

Built-in CSS styles

The following CSS styles are included with Dragonskin as a convenience. Your local administrator may add additional classes:
Text within a div of class ds-draft will be displayed with a tiled background containing light gray images with the word "DRAFT".
Text within a div of class ds-kbd will be displayed in monospaced type w/in an indented light-gray box.
Text within a div of class ds-note will be displayed as a yellow "Post-it" style note on the right-side of the page.

To use these classes, enclose your text in a div of that class. For example:
<div class="ds-note">
Your text goes here.

Hiding forms

The following DS_TOPICCSS setting:
  • Set DS_TOPICCSS = .ds-topicform {display:none;}
will hide a topic's form when viewing it.

How to configure the quicklinks submenu

To remove the quicklinks menu entirely, set DS_QUICKLINKSDISPLAY to "none".

The heading can be configured just by setting DS_QUICKLINKSHEADING to the string of your choice (keep in mind that it should be relatively short to fit in one line).

The menu items are configured by setting DS_QUICKLINKS to an html unordered list containing the menu links you need: For example:

<ul><li>[[TWiki.DragonSkin][Change me]]</li></ul>
will have one link with the link text "Change me" that points to this page.

Access key(s)

At this time, only 1 access key is supported: Access key 3 will bring up an edit window for the current topic. On most browsers, Alt-3 will active this access key.

Guidelines for setting font sizes

Note: it is possible to set font sizes so small as to be unreadable. If that happens, you can use your browser font controls (ctrl + mouse wheel) to increase the font size so that you can edit your preference page, or (if you have just saved your changes), hit the back button on your browser a few times and re-edit your preferences). Also, access key 3 (usually bound to Alt-3 in your browser) will bring up a edit window for the topic you are currently viewing. DS_BODYFONTSIZE controls the base font size for the page. To adjust the size, you can set it to one of the font-size keywords: xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large. Alternatively (and this is much more flexible), set it to a particular percentage (but you probably don't want to go underneath 76%). Once you've adjusted the base font size, you can set DS_LEFTMENUFONTSIZE and DS_EDITBARFONTSIZE using ems. For example, Set DS_LEFTMENUFONTSIZE = .9em.

Recovering from a bad DS_TOPICCSS setting

It is possible to set a DS_TOPICCSS variable in such a way as to make it difficult to view pages (e.g. setting it to "body {display: none}"). If that happens, you can always recover by following these steps:
  1. Type the URL of your wiki home page (or go directly to the page with the setting that is causing the problem) into your browser to go to that page.
  2. Edit the page by using access key 3 (usually bound to Alt-3 in your browser).
  3. On that page, set DS_TOPICCSS to a blank value (or any other safe value).
  4. Preview and save that page.

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