- Install cygwin ( ensure to have make, autoconf, automake included. You require it for the DWARF deployment to your machine. Cygwin is a UNIX shell emulation for Windows - you'll like it
- Cygwin packages: Devel.automake, Devel.autoconf, Devel.make, Devel.cmake, Devel.libtool
- Shut down every firewall you have running. Firewalls prohibit CORBA communication between the ServiceManager and Services as well as between Servcies.
- When using Python, the
configure script
has to be called with prefix as a Windows style path (e.g. --prefix=c:/<install path> and not --prefix=/cygdrive/c/<install path>). This is because another Python installation is used than the one installed with Cygwin.
- When using C++ the configuration is done via CMake instead of autoconf.
Using Java
- Delete /usr/bin/jar.exe from the cygwin internal path. This is the GNU
, which does not implement all opttions of sun's jar
, but has the same name nevertheless. Try jar -u
to see. This sucks!
- Install newest version of Java which is available from Maybe you have to set the environment variable
. Maybe you'll run into path
problems. Try to call java -version
. If it corresponds to your previous installation, everything is right. If not, refactor the path
and place your installation bin
directory at the beginning.
- Copy all jars from one of our lab linux machines out of the directory
to %JAVA_HOME%jre/lib/ext. One of these jars is the CORBA implementation. (We should make a tar-ball ... Remind us, if you need the jars...)
Testing if Java works
Before you can test, if Java is working properly, you have to follow the steps in the
DwarfBuildTutorial to make a concrete installation of DWARF. After this you can do the following:
- Start a ServiceManager on another computer of your choice
- Start DIVE on this machine, too
- Start e.g. the TestStringSenderJAVA:
java -DserviceManager=<hostname> -jar TestStringSenderJAVA.jar
- Press View->Update and you should see the Service (but it is announced as running on the ServiceManager's computer)
- Now start the TestStringReceiver:
- It's a C++ Service
- After several seconds press View->Update again. You should see both services interconnected. When looking at the
terminal window, you should see logging information, that data arrives
Using C++
When installing to use C++, there are a couple of things that needs to be noted. First that everything have to be compiled with the same version of the VC++ compiler, and secondly that everything has to be compiled in
mode since DWARF is compiled so and uses the debug libraries of third party products. Futhermore it has to be noted, that both CMake and Autoconf creates a non-identical config.h file in the build directory, and therefore the install has to take place just after configuration with both tools.
Last but not least, a lot of patience is required.It takes a long while to get and install all the third party products, but it takes even longer to compile everything.
- Install MS Visual Studio .NET
- Install MSDN
- Add to system environment variable
: The "c:\programme\microsoft visual studio .NET2003\Vc7\bin"
directory or where the bin directory is located
- Add to system environment variable
: The "c:\programme\microsoft visual studio .NET2003\Common7\IDE"
directory or where the IDE directory is located
- Add to user environment variable
: The "c:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Include"
directory or where the platform include directory is located
- Also add to INCLUDE:
C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\Include
- Add to user environment variable
: The "c:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Lib"
directory or where the platform lib directory is located
- Also add to LIB:
C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\Lib
- Install
, omniNotify
, CMake
, XercesC
and openSLP
as described in the sections below. (The two last is only nescesary if the service manager has to run)
Testing if C++ works
- Try compiling the Service Manager and the debug executables
- Get it to run together (Se the using ServiceManager section below)
Using Python
Since the Python version preinstalled in cygwin has trouble with loading the .pyd library files in omniORB, it is nescessary to make a external installation of Python.
(Note the comment about the configure script in the
- Delete or move the python.exe and python23.exe in the /usr/bin/ in Cygwin.
- Download newest version of Python for Windows and install it (
- Add to system environment variable
: The "c:\python23\"
directory or where Python was installed
- Install
as described in the omniORB section.
Testing if Python works
Installing omniORB
If you are not going to use C++, then you can just get the precompiled version, install that and follow the last three points.
Also note that if you plan on using DWARF with Python, then you have to use an extern Python installation and not
- Download
in newest (4.0.5 or newer) version from (
- Unpack and move to desired loaction. The .../omniORB-x.x.x/ directory is here called <omni-top>.
- Uncomment the line "platform = x86_nt_4.0_vs_7" in the file /config/
- Uncomment and set the PYTHON variable in /mk/platforms/ to where your Python install as a
Cygwin path
is (e.g. "PYTHON = /cygdrive/c/Python22/python")
- Add to system environment variable
: The "<omni-top>\bin\x86_win32"
- Add to user environment variable
: "<omni-top>/include" (e.g. c:\Programme\omniORB-4.0.5\include)
- In Cygwin goto <omni-top> and write "make export" - then take a cup of coffee and wait
Using omniPython
- Download a precompiled version of omniPython (
- Unpack and move the folders in the omniPython directory into the <omni-top> direcotry.
Installing omniORBpy
- Install omniORB on your system as described above.
- If you want to use C++ you need the non-precompiled version otherwise download
in newest precompiled version from (
- With the non-precompiled move the unpacked source to
and in goto /src/lib/omniORBpy2.4/ and "make export" (do not use the configure script as described in the README). Otherwise with the precompiled omniORBpy just unpack and move into the unpacked files and directories into the <omni-top> directory - overwriting several older files.
- Add to system environment variable
: = <omni-top>/lib/x86_win32;<omni-top>/lib/python/-.
(e.g. c:/Programme/omniORB-4.0.5/lib/x86_win32;c:/Programme/omniORB-4.0.5/lib/python/)
Installing omniNotify
- Install omniORB as described above
- Download latest version of omniNotify and follow the README (
NOTE: If you use MS Visual C++ in version from 7.1 there is no longer support for several header files as <iostream.h> (Now just <iostream>). You then need to change several files in omniNotify
(at least in version 2.1 and older) to include the non-.h headers and afterwards write 'using namespace std;'
to make the export.
To help a bit there is a patch file in the dwarf/win32/ directory. Just copy the patchfile MSv71-omniNotify.patch
to the <omni-top>/src/services/omniNotify/
directory and in cygwin type 'patch -p1 < MSv71-omniNotify.patch' and you should be able to compile.
Using CMake
Do not use the internal Cmake in Cygwin, instead
- Get the newest precompiled version of CMake (version 2.0.5 or newer) at (
- Install and if the CMake bin directory is not already in your enviroment
variable then add it.
- Run this Cmake (Not through Cygwin), and in the box "Where is the source code" set the DWARF root directory (e.g c:\dwarf), and "Where to build the binaries" to dwarfs build directory (e.g c:\dwarf\build)
- Press the Configure button, set any variables you would like to change and then press the configure button again.
- Last press the OK buttion, this will create all the project files for VC++, with the root in the DWARFs build directory. Which means you should just open the
in the build directory into VC++ and compile.
Using Xercesc
- Get the source code for Xercesc at
- Unpack and move the code to desired location
- Open the
(<X;> is your version of VC++) in VC++ and compile the XercesLib
project (debug version)
- Copy DLL's from <Xerces-root>/build/win32/VC<X;>/debug to <Xerces-root>/bin, and LIB's into <Xerces-root>/lib
- Rename the <Xerces-root>/src to <Xerces-root>/include
- Set the enviroment variable
to your <Xerces-root> path
- Add the <Xerces-root>/bin to your PATH enviroment variable
Using openSLP
- Download openSLP at
- Unpack and move to desired location
- Open
in VC++ and compile all (debug version)
- Move the
, <SLP-root>/win32/slptool/Debug/slptool.exe
and <SLP-root>/win32/libslp/Debug/slp.dll
to <SLP-root>/bin
- Move the
to <SLP-root>/lib
- Move the
to <SLP-root>/include
- Add
to your enviroment variable PATH
- Add
to your user enviroment variable LIB
- Add
to your user enviroment variable INCLUDE
- Move the
, slpd.log
and slp.reg
from <SLP-root>/ect/
to the Windows directory.
It has to be noted that the service manager script can currently not detect, start nor stop the slp deamon, so it has to be done manually. Before starting the service manager call
slpd -start
and after the service manager finished call
slpd -stop
before starting the service manager again.
Using Coin and SoWin
If you want to use the Viewer you will need to have Coin and SoWin running.
- Download Coin2 and SoWin in there latest non-precompiled versions (SoWin has to be in a
version than 1.2.0, or get the latest night build)
- Put the bin directory in your Coin install directory in your PATH enviroment variable (e.g
- Follow the install instructions as described on the download page,
install with the extra configure option --with-msvcrt=multithread-dynamic-debug
(e.g ./configure --prefix=c:/Coin/ --with-msvcrt=multithread-dynamic-debug
- Create a new enviroment variable called
and set it to you Coin root directory (e.g c:/Coin
- Get C++ to work
- Use cmake to configure, and VC++ to compile the serviceManager
- Start/restart the slp deamon (e.g.
slpd -start
- From the install/bin directory call the run-servicemgr script (If something fails, try and restarting the slp deamon and then the script)
- Compile the debug executable (option in CMake)
- Try to start the ServiceManager:
- Start and connect the TestStringReciever and TestStringSender to the servicemanager
- If it runs and your services communicate with each other, then the service manager works
MarcusToennis - 3 Aug 2004
FrimorTroels? - 28 Nov 2004
History (these are not deleted for convenice, but do not follow these steps, when installing DWARF on your platform)
History 1: Previous Twiki page
Steps (not necessarily in perfect order)
- get latest omniorb for Win32
- hack configure to remove am__fastdeb problem
- run configure (get a beverage of choice)
- run make (get another beverage of choice)
- use dsw file from win32
- remove dependencies on ServiceTestStringSend (should be the other way round)
- add missing Dwarf stubs to stubs library
- add omni orb include dir
- add omni orb lib dir
- add build include dir to common for config.h
- add build include dir to ServiceTestStringSend for config.h
- fix in ServiceTestStringSend service DEBUGSTREAM to THROWDEBUGSTREAM
- fix __x86__ define in ServiceTestStringSend project file
- compile stubs
- compile corba
- compile common
- compile ServiceTestStringSend
- never use _WINSTATIC as define !
- use -DserviceManager=othermachine to configure a foreign ServiceManager (The ServiceManager is currently not working on windows). For Java services you have to define the -D option as a virtual machine argument and not as a program argument. Example:
java -DserviceManager=atbruegge43 -jar TestStringSenderJava.jar
History 2: Document from DWARF discuss BBoard
Viele Files befinden sich auf janus/shared/dwarf.
Dieses Verzeichnis wird im folgenden als Z:\dwarf bezeichnet!
Wenn nicht explizit angegeben, bitte Aenderungen von Environmentvariablen so machen (fuer Windows XP):
rechtsklick Arbeitsplatz -> Eigenschaften -> Erweitert -> Umgebungsvariablen
1. Internet Explorer 6 und Cortona4 (Z:\dwarf\software\win\cortvrml.exe) installieren
2. Cygwin installieren: Z:\dwarf\software\win\cygwin-download\setup.exe
-alle Pakete installieren!
-Lokales Installationsverzeichnis auswaehlen: Z:\dwarf\software\win\cygwin-download
3. Im Verzeichnis:
-SDKJava40.exe installieren (Installdir/bin zum PATH hinzufuegen)
-j2sdk-1_4_0_01-windows-i586.exe installieren (auch hier Installdir/bin zum PATH hinzufuegen)
4. Die .jar-Files von Z:\dwarf\software\mandatoryWinInstall\jars
in einen lokalen Ordner kopieren (im folgenden JARORDNER genannt)
5. Folgende Dateien in den Classpath aufnehmen:
-die 5 jars aus dem JARORDNER
-2 jar Dateien, die beim kompilieren von DWARF noch erzeugt werden:
stubs.jar und DWARFstubs.jar. Normalerweise liegen diese im cygwin Filesystem unter /usr/local/libexec/. Also unter windows meist unter:
C:\cygwin\usr\local\libexechier mein Classpath:
6. DWARF auschchecken und kompilieren. Dabei configure --disable-cplusplus machen!