JASS - Joint Advanced Student School - Course 3:
Design and Evaluation of Three-Dimensional User Interfaces for Time-Critical Tasks
- Gudrun Klinker (Marcus Tönnis) (Institut für Informatik, Technische Universität München):
Design and Evaluation of Three-Dimensional User Interfaces for Time-Critical Tasks
- Vladimir M. Degtyarev (St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunication):
Analytical computer 3D models for problems of a real time
After JASS
The last section comes first - now!
OK, we're back from St. Petersburg - it was really great - programmatically as well as socially.
We did a lot of photos! If you have any photos, please contact Uli. He's set up a web forum, where you can upload your albums.
Here's the link-list:
The State University St. Petersburg, the Steklov Institute St. Petersburg, and the Technische Universität München organize the
fifth Joint Advanced Student School (JASS 2007) (find main website here) in St. Petersburg from March 25th through April 4th.
Students with completed DVP or a BSC are requested to participate in our course.
To participate, please follow the instructions on the
main website and fill out the
application form there.
Course 3: Design and Evaluation of Three-Dimensional User Interfaces for Time-Critical Tasks
One of the courses (course 3) is directed by Vladimir M. Degtyarev (St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunication) and Gudrun Klinker (Technische Universität München).
This course covers the topics
Design and Evaluation of Three-Dimensional User Interfaces for Time-Critical Tasks and
Analytical computer 3D models for problems of a real time.
The TUM part of the course,
Design and Evaluation of Three-Dimensional User Interfaces for Time-Critical Tasks, focusses on upcoming interaction techniques in conjunction with time critical tasks like when driving a car or in emergency management.
There, 3D User Interfaces can enable faster interaction in comparison to standard interfaces, but keep the risk of distraction from the main task.
This part of the course introduces 3D User Interfaces and our application domain.
Design constraints and challenges of such interfaces are explained, followed by talks about use of such systems in emergency management and in automotive environments.
The course completes with talks about evaluation of such systems.
First, general testing strategies are introduced, followed by another one about how eye movement is affected through interaction an workload.
Date | Task |
23.02.2007 | Kick-Off Meeting (Presentation-How-To) |
26.2. - 2.3.07 | Have read all papers, done some further literature research and discuss Outline with supervisor |
5.3. - 14.3.07 | Come another two times for fixing the topic |
12.3. - 16.3.07 | Have slides and handout (template) prepared, discuss with supervisor |
19.3. - 23.3.07 | Talk Rehearsals 1-3 |
| Talk Rehearsals 4-6 |
25.03.2007 | Munich -> St. Petersburg |
04.04.2007 | St. Petersburg -> Munich |
No  | Title | Speaker |
1. | Issues and Challenges for 3D User Interfaces - Effects of Distraction | Leslie |
1. | Visualization of a Pathway of a touching down Airplane under the data of the Landing Radar | Yuri Anochin |
2. | Systems for Emergency Management | Stanimir |
2. | Classification of Algebraic Surfaces after the Second Degree | Anna Vinogradova |
3. | Gestures and Speech in Cars | Uli |
3. | Designing of any Degree Algebraic Surfaces by Factors of Algebraic Equations | Tatyana Danilova |
4. | Anticipation of a Driver's Pathway | Anca |
4. | Visualization of Air Situation in a real time by Analytical Models of Second Degree | Vladimir Mordasov |
5. | Objective and Subjective Measurements | Kai |
5. | The Library of Second Degree Kinematic Surfaces for CAD | Maria Belkina |
6. | Eye Movement and Glance Tracking | Valentin |
6. | The introducing of the fourth variable in algebraic equations for analytical colouring of surfaces" | Tatyana Tarasova |
7. | How to get Cinematic Real-time? Progress in Bisplacement Shader Development | Artem Andreev |
Munich Group - Design and Evaluation of Three-Dimensional User Interfaces for Time-Critical Tasks |
St. Petersburg Group - Analytical Computer 3D Models for Problems of a Real Time |
Issues and Challenges for 3D User Interfaces - Effects of Distraction
In time critical tasks like when driving a car or in emergency management, 3D user interfaces provide an interesting approach to support the user.
Upcoming interaction techniques enable faster interaction in comparison to standard interfaces.
As 3D User Interfaces gain more capabilities, new challenges and problems occur. Unlike in 2d human-machine interaction, where standards are set, 3D postulates new metaphors to make usability simple, intuitive and effective.
Furthermore the fact that in time critical tasks users have to focus primarily on their main task, they cannot lend their full attention to the user interface. Hence common requirements and rules for interface design need to be revised and extended.
First an overview about 2D and 3D Interfaces in general will be given. This includes the definition of terms, as well as listing the main components like input, output and interaction techniques of 2D and 3D user interfaces. Followed by the implication of constraints in the application domain of time-critical tasks is taken under consideration. In addition, potential and hazardous effects like perceptual tunneling and cognitive capture are mentioned.
Introduced Terms and Phrases:
2D User Interface, 3D User Interface, Input, Output(Visual, Auditory and Haptic Displays), Interaction Techniques(Navigation, Travel and Way finding, Selection/Manipulation, System Control, Symbolic Input), Time critical Tasks, Occlusion, Depth Perception, Perceptual Tunneling, Cognitive Capture, Change Blindness
Systems for Emergency Management
Planning for and managing large scale emergencies is complex. The number of both vicitims and relief workers is large and the time pressure is extreme. Disaster response and triage systems with 2D user interfaces are currently under developement and evaluation. Distasters present a number of spatially related problems and an overwhellming quantity of information. 3D user interfaces are well suited for intutitively solving basic emergency response tasks. Such tasks include commanding rescue agents and prioritizing the disaster victims according to the severity of their medical condition. Further 3D UIs hold significant potential for improving the coordination of rescuers as well as their awareness of relief workers from other organisations. The benefits of 3D UIs in distaster management are just beginning to be realized.
Introduced Terms and Phrases:
Gestures and Speech in Cars
The haptical use of infotainment systems in cars, deflect the driver from his primary task, the driving.
Therefore we need new Man-Machine-Interfaces (MMI), which doesn't require the drivers full attention, for controlling the infotainment systems in cars.
Gestures, speech and sounds provides an intuitive addition for existing haptical controls in automotive environments.
While sounds are mostly used as ounput, speech and gestures can be used as input devices.
The combination of all these devices leads us to multimodal MMIs, where different input and output devices can be used at the same time.
Introduced Terms and Phrases:
Anticipation of a Driver's Pathway
Most car accidents occur due to rear-end collisions or lane departures. It is assumed that the number of such accidents can be reduced, if the driver knows more precisely, where the car is heading and at which distance it can stop. To provide drivers with this kind of anticipation, visualization schemes for longitudinal and lateral driver assistance in the Head-Up Display (HUD) of cars have been developed, including symbols and virtual bars and pipes.
This work aims to make a survey of the current research directions, design issues and partial results, as presented in the related published works.
Introduced Terms and Phrases:
Driving loop, ACC (Active Cruise Control), AGP (Active Gas Pedal), HUD (Head-Up Display), “in-the-loop” and “out-of-the-loop” concepts
Objective and Subjective Measurements
Electronic support systems can help decision makers to decide fast and more efficiently.
But they can although distract the user from his main tasks.
Especially in time critical situations the user must be able to focus on the main task and and needs a user interface, that supports in full filling the goal, that does not distract form the main task, that efficiently provides the user with the information needed.
In order to develop such a user interface a method of measuring and improving the usability of a user interface is necessary.
This method should measure the efficiency, the effectiveness and the user satisfaction for the build user interface.
Introduced Terms and Phrases:
Usability, user satisfaction, user/task efficiency, user/task, effectiveness, usability measurement, user distraction
Eye Movement and Glance Tracking
Eye and pupil behaviour and systems to measure thus movements.
Dikablis usage,
Dikablis application; Cover: Outside-In and Indside-Out tracking; Give outlook for: Pupil-Metrics (Evaluation paper ->
Literature and Helpful Links
A lot of scientific publications can be found online.
The following list may help you to find some further information on your particular topic:
Some publishers:
Libraries (online and offline):
Some further hints for working with references:
- JabRef is a Java program for comfortable working with Bibtex literature databases. Handy feature: if you know the PubMed ID for an article, JabRef can import data from there (via "Web Search/Medline").
- Mendeley is a cross-platform program for organising your references.
If you find useful resources that are not already listed here, please tell us, so we can add them for others. Thanks.
As the course will take place in St. Petersburg, all accepted students need a valid traveling passport and a visa to Russia.
Generally, the organizors of the course collect the passports in advance to manage the visa procedure before the course takes place.
Please keep track of the local organisation information on the main
JASS webpage.
MarcusToennis - 16 Jan 2007
GudrunKlinker - 16 Jan 2007