Bootstrapping 3rd party software for DWARF
This page gives a short how-to for setting up all 3rd party software needed by DWARF
The only thing you need in advance is
Fink (follow setup
For Mac OS 10.3, you should install X11SDK.pkg from the Developer CD (XCode CD). After that install X11.pkg which can be downloaded
Do not install Fink's X11 - this would screw up the whole installation beyond repair!
If you want to use the work-in-progress ubitrack subsystem, you also have to install TNT and JAMA which can be found
here. Put all downloaded header files to a directory of your choice, e.g.
You need to supply this directory later in the
configure command line with
--enable-tntjama=<DIR> (see very end of the document).
You need a couple of jar files, too.
They can be installed by:
scp atbruegge42:/usr/lib/java/jre/lib/ext/* /Library/Java/Home/lib/ext/
FIXME: There gotta be a better way to do this?!
Fink packages
Fink utilizes *.info Files to describe howto get, setup and install software.
We made all those files for the 3rd party software needed by DWARF.
Not all of them have been submitted to the official fink tree.
For now just download the following files to your disk and place them in <finkprefix>/fink/10.3/local/main/finkinfo/ (were finkprefix usually is /sw)
In addition take a look at the
OtherSoftware page for required third party software.
First install needed software provided by others:
- fink install openslp openslp-dev openslp-shlibs graphviz autoconf2.5 automake1.7 libtool14 libtool14-shlibs
Everything that remains now is installing the software. To do so use either FinkCommander or type
- fink install coin simage soqt
- fink install omniorb
- fink install xerces-c-shlibs xerces-c
- fink install xerces-c-doc (optinal)
- fink install pyqt
now your done.
(Almost - omniORBpy doesn't work on Mac OS X until now so we don't provide a package so far.)

this means no python services on Mac OS X
For the impatient: Compiling omniORBpy by hand works though (worked for Asa and Christian):
- hide libomniORB4.dylib
- unzip omnyORBpy
- configure --with-omniorb=/sw --prefix=/sw
- make ; sudo make install
- PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/sw/lib/python2.3/site-packages
- test: python -c "import CORBA" (should just not produce an error message)
Setting up DWARF
now get the cvs sources:
If you have a cvs account at the chair just type
- export CVSROOT=':ext:'$USER''
- cvs co dwarf
Otherwise see here:
That will create a directory called dwarf. Inside that directory type:
- ./bootstrap
- cd build
- ../configure --prefix=$HOME/dwarf --with-soqt --disable-static CFLAGS="-g -O0" CXXFLAGS="-g -O0" GCJFLAGS="-g -O0" --with-omniinclude=/sw/include --with-omnilib=/sw/lib --with-openslp=/sw
Installing DWARF
From inside your top cvs directory type:
If you get SLP -20 Errors: do the following:
- mv /usr/sbin/slpd /usr/sbin/slpd.krupuk
If you get an error on any QT-based program:
QSettings::sync: filename is null/empty
- chown (your username) ~/.qt (that dir was owned by root!)