
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Pose Inversion

Error propagation for the inversion of a transformation with error

Given a transformation with the corresponding covariance matrix , the inverse of the full transformation with error is given by

%$ x^\prime=\left( \left[\begin{array}{cc}R&t\cr0&1\cr\end{array}\right] \left[\begin{array}{cc}\Delta_R&\Delta_t\cr0&1\cr\end{array}\right] \right)^{-1}x = \left[\begin{array}{cc}\Delta_R&\Delta_t\cr0&1\cr\end{array}\right]^{-1} \left[\begin{array}{cc}R&t\cr0&1\cr\end{array}\right]^{-1} x $%

Edit | Attach | Refresh | Diffs | More | Revision r1.3 - 02 Feb 2007 - 08:52 - MartinBauer

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