Advanced Methods for Augmented Reality and Human Computer Interaction
Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Tayfur Coskun and
Manuel Huber
Type: Advanced Seminar Course
Module IN8901
Type: Master Seminar
Module IN2107
ECTS: 4 Credits
SWS: 2
Date: Monday, 16:00 o'clock
Room: MI 03.13.010
Course Language: English
About the Seminar
HCI technologies integrate various fields of computer science to enable user experience while utilizing computer driven, intelligent systems. Due to the broad field of HCI applications and interaction possibilities, a colorful spectrum of state-of-the-art technology is introduced in this seminar to the audience/participants. This is represented by the varying topics emerging from the field of Visualization, Interaction and Tracking.
- oral presentation of circa. 30 minutes and additional 15 minutes of discussion
- 8(+-2) pages summary of the topic as handout
- final handout always one week after oral presentation
- active participation in the discussions
- The seminar will be held during the semester.
- first meeting will be on TBA
- first chance to pick a topic (see below) is on the preliminary meeting
- If interested in a topic please contact the corresponding supervisor (see end of line)
Preliminary Meeting
- Thursday, 24th of January, 11:00
- Room 00.13.062
- Registration start: TBA
- first-come-first-served
- First registration via TUM Online
- Students that cannot register via TUMOnline should contact the supervisors of their favorite topic directly in order to get accepted.
- Students registered via TUMOnline should also contact the supervisors and pick a certain topic, otherwise the registration is not valid.
- If the timeslots, that are listed on this webside, are full no more student can be accepted.
Day  | Time | Topic | Who |
01.07 | 16:00 | Augmented Reality based outdoor navigation & Augmented Reality based indoor navigation | Milena Abrasheva & Ramona Glaubitz |
08.07 | 16:00 | Monte Carlo based propagation of tracking uncertainties | Xiao Huang |
10.06 | 16:00 | Bundle Adjustment for Camera Calibration and reconstruction & Distributed Visual Processing for Augmented Reality | Alexander Reimann & Artem Ostankov |
15.04 | 16:00 | Terminvergabe | |
17.06 | 16:00 | Stationary and mobile training of rescue service personell & Serious Games: Training of security personell using games | Florian Hagel & Martin Stojanov |
24.01. | 11:00 | Vorbesprechung | |
24.06 | 16:00 | Classification of AR displays and interfaces & Virtual Training of the rescue service personell inside a CAVE | Arianne Tran & Virtual Training of the rescue service personell inside a CAVE |
Topics (preliminary)
Augmented Reality
- (taken) "Augmented Reality based training of the rescue service personell for disasters/MCIs" Tayfur Coskun
- (taken) "Virtual Training of the rescue service personell inside a CAVE" Tayfur Coskun
- (taken) "Augmented Reality based navigation" Tayfur Coskun
- (taken) "Classification of AR displays and interfaces" Manuel Huber
Human Computer Interaction
- (taken) "Stationary and mobile training of rescue service personell" Tayfur Coskun
- (taken) "Serious Games: Training of security personell using games" Tayfur Coskun
- (taken) "Accelerometer based gesture recognition" Manuel Huber
- (taken) "Bundle Adjustment for Camera Calibration and reconstruction" Manuel Huber
- (taken) "Monte Carlo based propagation of tracking uncertainties" Manuel Huber
- (taken) "Unobstrusive, active visual markers" Manuel Huber
- (taken) "Distributed Visual Processing for Augmented Reality" Manuel Huber