
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Introduction to Augmented Reality - Einführung in die Erweiterte Realität -

Lecture with exercises, summer semester 2016
Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with Sandro Weber and Manuel Huber)
6 ECTS Credits
The class is taught in English.

Official sources of information:

  • General Module Description for IN 2018
  • Specific details for Summer Semester 2016 in TUM Online
  • All materials will be available in Moodle

The subsequent information is provided for your convenience only and may not be up-to-date. In case of doubt, refer to the official sources given above.

Time & Location

  • Mondays, 10:15-11:45, MI HS 2
  • Start: on Monday, April 11, 2016

Central exercise:

  • Tuesdays, 14:15-15:45, MI HS 2
  • Start: Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Augmented Reality (AR) allows users to view computer information that is graphically embedded within the real three-dimensional world. Using a semi-transparent head-mounted display (HMD) attached to a wearable computer, a user can inspect and manipulate objects while viewing information about these objects in the HMD. This information is typically displayed as virtual objects in the real world, thus augmenting the perception of the user. The wearable computer enables users to carry their work as they normally do, without imposing constraints on their mobility or their hand. AR applications span from medical minimally invasive surgery to manufacturing, from machine inspection and repair to games and tourist guides.

This class presents the technical foundations of Augmented Reality - as used in current international research and applications.

More Information

Intended audience:

  • Senior bachelor students (Informatik, Informatik: Games Engineering) with interest in pursuing a bachelor's thesis in this area
  • Master students (Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Bioinformatik, Biomedical Computing, Robotics Cognition Intelligence, Automotive Software Engineering, CSE, Informatik: Games Engineering, HFE)
  • Knowledge of core programming, algorithm and math materials taught in the TUM Bachelor Informatics program
  • The class consists of both a weekly lecture and weekly exercises!
  • Exercises constitute half of the credits and thus will make up half of the grade (exam questions).
  • Exam questions will be based on experiences gained by attending the exercise meetings and by working on the homework. It will not be enough to just read and understand solutions to the homework. The learning experience and insights gained by struggling with the assignments is essential.

Exams: written, closed book

  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Language: assignment sheet in English, answers can be given only in English
  • Exam details: see information in TUM Online
  • There will be a 0.3 bonus for good project presentations (applies only to exams with a passing grade)

Office hours:


Please find the materials in Moodle.


Please find the materials in Moodle.


Lecture (excerpts from books and papers from proceedings, journals - most relevant texts)


Title: Introduction to Augmented Reality - Einführung in die Erweiterte Realität
Professor: Gudrun Klinker
Tutors: Sandro Weber and Manuel Huber
Type: Lecture
Information: 6 ECTS Credits (Module IN 2018)
Term: 2016SoSe

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