Master Practical Course - Augmented Reality Applications
Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Frieder Pankratz
Type: Advanced Practical Course in the Field of Pratical Informatics
Module IN8902
Type: Master Practical Course
Module IN2106
SWS: 6
Programs: Informatics (Master), Informatics (Diploma)
ECTS: 10 Credits
The course will be conducted in English.
Link to
last lab course
About the Course:
This course aims at teaching the various aspects that must be considered in order to create an Augmented Reality (AR) application. These aspects concern low-level implementation as well as high level implementation and therefore cover the full bandwidth of challenges in building an AR application. The students will be taught how to use modern Software Development Toolkits and off-the-shelf hardware to program a stand-alone AR application during the semester.
This time the course will focus on the visualization of tracking accuracy, as well as general sensor visualization.
Example for Tracking setup:

Visualization of tracking accuracy:

Visualization of camera frustrum:
Preliminary Meeting (Vorbesprechung):
- You should have attended the lecture Augmented Reality or 3D User Interfaces or a lecture of adequate content
- This course requires basic knowledge in C++ or C#.
- The concepts of OO Programming and other concepts as conducted in the Introduction to CS lecture are assumed.
Registration through TUMOnline
Additional Information