Lab Course / Praktikum: Project Management and Software Development for Medical Applications
Prof. Nassir Navab and
Dr. Benjamin Frisch
Felix Achilles,
Shadi Albarqouni,
Leslie Casas and
Kristians Diaz
Type: Master Practical Course
Module IN2106,
Module IN8902,
Module IN4136
SWS: 6
Programs: Biomedical Computing (Master), Informatics (Master), Informatics (Diploma)
ECTS: 10 Credits
Preliminary Meeting ("Vorbesprechung"): 10.07.2015 Friday 10:00-11:00,
MI 03.13.010
Weekly Meetings: See
schedule below, Wednesdays 15:30-17:00,
MI 03.13.010
This course in TUMOnline: Link
The course will be conducted in English.
Please check back here regularly, as important news will be posted here.
- January 28, 2016: Room change: Final Presentations II will take place at 15:45 in the seminar room of building 11, in MI 03.11.018.
- November 9, 2015: Reminder: The "Documentation, Tests, Design Patterns & Integration Strategy" lecture will be held on Thursday (12th of November) this week.
- November 4, 2015: The CAMP-template for Power Point presentations can be downloaded here
- October 28, 2015: Today's UML lecture is shifted to Thursday, 05.11., 3:30pm-5:00pm. UML lecture slides are online.
- October 21, 2015: Projects are assigned! Please get in contact with your supervisor and arrange a first meeting. Today: First Lecture! (Software Project Management)
- July 10, 2015: Please register for the course at
- July 7, 2015: Initial meeting is scheduled for July 10, 2015 Friday at 10:00.
- July 7, 2015: Course website created.
Please give rank in the matching system for the course registration between 10 July - 21 July (
TUMOnline and first come first serve is not valid for practical and seminar courses anymore. For further details about how matching system works and its schedule please check this
General content
The Lab Course is intended to teach the basic concepts of software project management and development for medical applications. You will be confronted with a brief introduction to software project management concepts such as requirement analysis, software design, coding guidelines and unified modeling language (UML). In addition, topics like software version control, deployment engineering and testing will be explored. You will be assigned a medical software project to apply the mentioned concepts in a real-life scenario.
This course requires basic knowledge of C++. The concepts of OO Programming and other concepts as conducted in the Introduction to CS lecture are assumed.
Date | Topic | Conducted by | Materials |
July 10th, 2015 | Preliminary meeting ("Vorbesprechung") | Course Tutors | Slides |
Oct 14th, 2015 | Organizational Issues, Project Announcements | Course Tutors, Project Supervisors | Slides |
Oct 21st, 2015 | Lecture: Software Project Management | Course Tutors | Slides |
Nov 4th, 2015 | Project Requirements Presentations | Course Tutors, Seminar Participants | Guidelines |
Nov 5th, 2015 (Thu!) | Lecture: Unified Modeling Language (UML) | Course Tutors | Slides |
Nov 12th, 2015 (Thu!) | Lecture: Documentation, Tests, Design Patterns & Integration Strategy | Course Tutors | Slides |
Four weeks of no session. | | | |
Dec 16th, 2015 | Intermediate Presentations Part I | Course Tutors, Seminar Participants | Guidelines |
Dec 17th, 2015 | Intermediate Presentations Part II | Course Tutors, Seminar Participants | |
Four weeks of no session. | | | |
Jan 20th, 2016 | Q&A Final Presentations | Course Tutors | |
Jan 27th, 2016 15:30-18:00 | Final Presentations Part I | Course Tutors, Seminar Participants | Guidelines |
Jan 28th, 2016 15:45-18:00 | Final Presentations Part II in MI 03.11.018. | Course Tutors, Seminar Participants | |
Final Presentations Schedule
Wednesday, January 27th 2016, 15:30-18:00, CAMP Seminar room. 10 minutes slot for each presenter (plus 2 minutes for questions).
[Projects of 2 people will of course get 20 minutes in total plus 4 minutes for questions.]
Slot | Name | Project ID |
1st | Alexander | 1 |
2nd | Yadira | 16 |
3rd+4th | Edengenet+Paula | 15 |
5th | Thomas | 2 |
6th+7th | Noor+Anna | 8 |
Thursday, January 28th 2016, 15:30-18:00, CAMP Seminar room. 10 minutes slot for each presenter (plus 2 minutes for questions).
[Projects of 2 people will of course get 20 minutes in total plus 4 minutes for questions.]
Slot | Name | Project ID |
1st+2nd | Benedikt+Sara | 12 |
3rd | Mai | 10 |
4th | Javier | 14 |
5th | Stefan | 7 |
6th | Sergey | 11 |
7th | Andrzej | 4 |
Intermediate Presentations Schedule
Wednesday, 16.12.2015, 15:30-17:00, CAMP Seminar room. 7 minutes slot for each presenter (plus 2 minutes for questions).
Slot | Name | Project ID |
1st+2nd | Noor+Anna | 8 |
3rd+4th | Edengenet+Paula | 15 |
5th | Francisco | 14 |
6th | Ruchik | 13 |
7th+8th | Benedikt+Sara | 12 |
9th | Sergey | 11 |
Thursday, 17.12.2015, 15:30-17:00, CAMP Seminar room. 7 minutes slot for each presenter (plus 2 minutes for questions).
Slot | Name | Project ID |
1st | Mai | 10 |
2nd | Yadira | 16 |
3rd | Stefan | 7 |
4th | Andrzej | 4 |
5th | Thomas | 2 |
6th | Alexander | 1 |
Available Projects
ID | Student | Project Title | Supervisor | Additional Material  |
1 | Alexander | Electronic Record Form in Ophthalmology for Documentation of Intravitreal Injections | Chris Lohmann | Project Proposal |
2 | Thomas | Needle tracking for ultrasound-guided biopsies with inside-out vision | Benjamin Busam | Project Proposal |
3 | - | Reducing the orthopaedic risk of cycling with a vision-based anthropometric scanner | Benjamin Busam | Project Proposal |
4 | Andrzej | Mobile telephony management in Surgery room | Ahmed Elsherbini | Project Proposal |
5 | - | Simulation and reconstruction of the Siemens Biograph mMR using GATE and STIR | Jorge Cabello | Project Proposal |
6 | Vitaly | Simulation of PET detectors based on continuous crystals using GATE | Jorge Cabello | Project Proposal |
7 | Stefan | Visualizing the volumetric accuracy of medical tracking solutions | Benjamin Busam | Project Proposal |
8 | Noor, Anna | Deep Learning for Biomedicine | Vladimir Golkov | Project Proposal |
9 | - | 3D Interventional Stent Reconstruction | Stefanie Demirci | Project Proposal |
10 | Mai | EP-Catheter Enhancement in Lowest Dose Image Series | Stefanie Demirci | Project Proposal |
11 | Sergey | Tracking using Autoencoders and Manifolds | Federico Tombari | Project Proposal |
12 | Sara, Benedikt | Parallax-free Xray stitching using depth based pose estimation | Séverine Habert | Project Proposal |
13 | Ruchik | Image-quality dependent ultrasound gel application | Benjamin Frisch | Project Proposal |
14 | Francisco | Bringing the robotic SPECT-CT prototype into the Operating Room | Marco Esposito | Project Proposal |
15 | Paula, Edengenet | Automatic triage of patients using anatomical MR images | Gabriel Castrillón | Project Proposal |
16 | Yadira | Computer assisted optical biopsy for colorectal polyps | Diana Mateus | Project Proposal |
Passing requirements
- Active participation in the lecture meetings
- Submission of all assignments in time
- Present your final assignment work
Documenting your code
- Doxygen, a documentation system for C++, C, Java, Objective-C, Python, IDL (Corba and Microsoft flavors), Fortran, VHDL, PHP, C#, and to some extent D.
MS Visual Studio (2010)
- Can be downloaded on the TUM Maniac Server
- Short tutorial on how to create a Win32 Console Project, and to run it
- Tutorial with some debugging tips and tricks in MS Visual Studio (this tutorial features some C# code, but the tips and tricks shown should work similarly on C++ code).
- Github, a freeware Github client for Mac/Windows
- A nice Github tutorial for beginners
- You can ask your Tutors how to create an account on our CAMPgit.
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