
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Computer Aided Medical Procedures I

Administrative Information

Responsible for Module: Prof. Nassir Navab
Organization: Dr. Seong Tae Kim, Dr. Ulrich Eck, and Dr. Thomas Wendler


Tuesdays at 2:15pm - 4:00pm in Online Lecture (Please find access information in Moodle)

Thursday at 2:00pm - 4:00pm in Online Lecture


If you have a problem in accessing Moodle, please send an email to Dr. Seong Tae(seongtae.kim@tum.de) so that we can help you to enroll in the Moodle.


Computer science is playing an important, increasing role in medical practices. Medical imaging companies are no more asked by physicians to only produce images of anatomy. Instead, they are asked to design software and hardware systems to provide complex computer-aided solutions for diagnosis, intervention and therapy. There are more and more opportunities for computer science graduates to contribute to the development and deployment of medical solutions. Within the operating rooms, there is an increasing need for the integration and visualization of heterogeneous data acquired by numerous sensors.

This course on computer aided medical procedures (CAMP I) exposes the students to the challenges of building the operating rooms of the future. The main focus of the course is in imaging technologies especially intra-operative imaging as well as the visualization of this data. Techniques like segmentation and registration will be explained in various classes. CAMP I will be continued in the summer semester with the lecture CAMP II which focusses an advanced concepts such as ultrasound imaging, machine learning, etc.

Course Schedule

This course is managed with TUM Moodle.


All programming exercises will be conducted in python 3. More specifically, we will rely on the ANACONDA distribution. In addition to this, we recommend you to install PyCharm as IDE.


[1] Numpy for Matlab users

Title: Computer Aided Medical Procedures
Professor: Prof. Nassir Navab, Dr. Seong Tae Kim; Dr. Ulrich Eck; Dr. Thomas Wendler
Type: Lecture
Information: IN2021, 2SWS lecture, 2SWS exercise (6 ECTS)
Term: 2020WiSe

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