Doctoral Defense by Selen Atasoy

- Date: Friday June 22nd, 2012
- Time: 16:00
- Location: Room 00.05.035, FMI-Building, Garching, Boltzmannstr. 3
Endoscopic Video Manifolds for Scene Recognition in Targeted Optical Biopsy
Recent introduction of probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (pCLE) enabled real-time and in-vivo visualisation of biological tissue on a microscopic level. Due to their non-invasive nature, optical biopsies involve the new challenge of re-targeting previous biopsy sites during surveillance examinations. In this thesis, a novel scene recognition method is presented to support the re-targeting of optical biopsy sites in surveillance GI-endoscopies. Drawing on the mathematical framework of manifold learning, a new representation for endoscopic videos is introduced. Experimental evaluation on real clinical data demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed methods as a promising step for assisting the endoscopic expert in re-targeting optical biopsy sites.