Invited Talk by Dr. Pierre Georgel
- Speaker: Dr. Pierre Georgel
- Date: Monday, September 11, 2014
- Time: 14:00-15:00
- Location: Seminar room MI 03.13.010, TUM Informatics Faculty, Garching
From Feb. 2010 to April 2012,Dr. Pierre Georgel was a post-doc University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, in collaboration with Prof. Jan-Michael Frahm. He worked on 3D reconstruction from photo-collection and their applications in Augmented Reality.
Prior to this he was a Ph.D student at Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM) under the supervision of Prof. Nassir Navab. He worked on applying Augmented Reality to the detection of discrepancies on construction sites. In order to design an usable solution he did research in the area of user interaction, image registration, and feature detection. He defended my thesis entitled “Augmented Reality Tools for Digital Plant Engineering” on February the 18th 2011 in Munich.
Since 2012, he left academia and moved over to San Francisco (CA)to first join @ dekko Inc and finally Google.