BMC Master Student’s Thesis: finalist for the best student paper award at SPIE Medical 2012!
We are proud of our master student, Andrei Chekkoury, who receives the best student finalist award at the international SPIE Medical Conference in San Diego in USA. His work:
Andrei Chekkoury, Parmeshwar Khurd, Jie Ni, Claus Bahlmann, Ali Kamen, Amar Patel, Leo Grady, Maneesh Singh, Martin Groher, Nassir Navab, Elizabeth Krupinski, Jeffrey Johnson, Anna Graham and Ronald Weinstein, "Automated Malignancy Detection in Breast Histopathological Images"
has been selected as one of the 8 finalists between hundreds of international submissions from the best institutions around the globe. Congratulations to Andre, your supervisors at Siemens Corporate Research and Technical University of Munich are proud of this success!
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