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Innovation Award for Dr. Arash Taki

Dr. Arash Taki
Dr Arash Taki, Franchise Manager of Respiratory and Monitoring Solution for Middle East Region in Covidien, has been awarded for his innovative idea called “No MERS” campaign.

He designed a unique solution by combining Advance Ventilation, Airway Management and Monitoring devices as “No MERS” campaign to help healthcare workers fight Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).

MERS is a severe viral respiratory disease first reported in the Middle East. The majority of cases are healthcare workers who have been infected in healthcare settings. This campaign offers a solution designed to reduce and prevent mortality associated with MERS in hospitals and specifically ICUs.

Arash is currently preparing more detailed proposal that can improve the management of all acute respiratory infections.

Title: Innovation Award for Dr. Arash Taki
Date: 17 October 2014
Abstract: Dr Arash Taki, Franchise Manager of Respiratory and Monitoring Solution for Middle East Region in Covidien, has been awarded for his innovative idea called “No MERS” campaign.
Imageurl: arash.jpg
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