Invited Talk by Prof. Rita Cucchiara

Prof. Rita Cucchiara
Full Professor
Dipartimento di Ingegneria “Enzo Ferrari”
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy)
- Date: Thursday, October 12, 2017
- Time: 15:45 - 16:30
- Location: FMI 00.12.019 (MI Building, Campus Garching), Boltzmannstr. 3, Garching b. München
Talk Overview
Beyond People Detection: GANs and iterative networks working on human data.
Computer Vision with CNNs performs well for people detection. This is not enough. A step forward can be taken to understand the aspect of people detected in low resolution, or corrupted by occlusions in the crowd; to track them in the wild; to detect saliency and pay attention to details only; to forecast motion and human actions. The next solutions will be provided by new neural architectures based on autoencoders and recurrent architectures, such as Generative Adversarial Networks and Long Short Term Memories. The talk will present projects and results carried out at Imagelab University of Modena and Reggio Emilia on people aspect classification, tracking and saliency analysis based on what people see.
Rita Cucchiara is full professor at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria “Enzo Ferrari” at UNIMORE, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy since 2005. She leads the Research Lab Imagelab. She is Rector Delegate of UNIMORE for Industrial Research, innovation and technology transfer of Emilia-Romagna and is Director of the Interdip- Center of Research in ICT Softech-ICT of the Modena Technopole. Since 2016, Rita Cucchiara is the President of the Italian Association on Pattern Recognition GIRPR and member of the Governing Board of the International Association on Pattern Recognition IAPR, Member of the advisory Board of the Computer Vision Foundation and Member of the Board of Directors of Italian Institute of Tehcnology (IIT), Expert Member for Italian APRE Commission in LEIT-ICT Horizon 2020. Her research activities include: computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning and deep learning for video surveillance and human behavior understanding, video surveillance, sport and automotive; multimedia video annotation, summarization, captioning, media big data analysis for cultural heritage and creative industries. Current collaborations include Facebook, Panasonic and Ferrari spa. She is PC of ICCV2017 and will be GC of ICPR2020.