Addressing Artefact-Related Image Challenges In Automated Polyp Detection
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab,
Dr. Shadi Albarqouni,
Roger Soberanis
Deep learning techniques are becoming the state-of-the-art in automated polyp detection and the performance of these algorithms relies heavily on the size and quality of the training datasets. Specifically, endoscopic videoframes tend to be corrupted by various artefacts that impair their visibility and affect polyp detection rate. This thesis aims to tackle the issue of artefacts in endoscopic images by extracting knowledge from an artefact dataset that contains over 2,000 images with more than 17,000 annotated artefacts. Our first step was to participate in the ISBI 2019 Endoscopic Artefact Detection Challenge, where we implemented a
RetinaNet? architecture and finished 3rd in the challenge. This object detection framework is then trained on polyp images while we explore different knowledge combination methods, such as Learning without Forgetting, to address the artefacts in these images. We hope that this improves polyp detection performance as well as further expands our comprehension of the effects of artefacts in automated detection in endoscopy.
- Good understanding of statistics and machine learning methods.
- Very good programming skills in Python & TensorFlow? / PyTorch?
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