
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
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Joint Master Thesis with the University of Miami: The Combination of Medical Ultrasound and Deep-Sea Sonography

Thesis by: Sarah Hempel
Advisor: Prof. Nassir Navab, Shahriar Negahdaripour
Supervision by: Christian Wachinger
in collaboration with the university of Miami.
Status: running


The thesis will be supervised by Prof. Nassir Navab at the chair for computer aided medical procedures (CAMP) at TUM and Prof. Shahriar Negahdaripour at the college of Engineering at the University of Miami. The student will start at CAMP to learn the basics of medical ultrasound. This will to certain amount of the time happen at the Klinikum rechts der Isar. After this training period, he will continue his thesis at the University of Miami and work on optic-acoustic imaging for underwater search and inspection. The aim is to combine knowledge from these two separate fields of research. So, for example, investigating problems in sonar applications and looking in the community of medical ultrasound, if similar solutions have been proposed that could be adapted.

Further Information

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Title: Joint Master Thesis with the University of Miami: The Combination of Medical Ultrasound and Deep-Sea Sonography
Abstract: The thesis will be supervised by Prof. Nassir Navab at the chair for computer aided medical procedures (CAMP) at TUM and Prof. Shahriar Negahdaripour at the college of Engineering at the University of Miami. The student will start at CAMP to learn the basics of medical ultrasound. This will to certain amount of the time happen at the Klinikum rechts der Isar. After this training period, he will continue his thesis at the University of Miami and work on optic-acoustic imaging for underwater search and inspection. The aim is to combine knowledge from these two separate fields of research. So, for example, investigating problems in sonar applications and looking in the community of medical ultrasound, if similar solutions have been proposed that could be adapted.
Student: Sarah Hempel
Director: Nassir Navab
Supervisor: Christian Wachinger
Type: DA/MA/BA
Status: finished

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