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Diploma Thesis (FelixLoew?)

This work is done at the Hitlab NZ supervised by Prof. Mark Billighurst (Hitlab) and Martin Wagner (TUM).
Supervising Professor: Prof. Grudrun Klinker

Working Title: "Improving ARToolkit-based Natural Feature Tracking with Hybrid Tracking Techniques"

The vision of Ubiquitious and Context-Aware Computing is to develop techologies that "disapear" (Marc Weiser). This means the user isn´t aware of any computer system, because the system knows what the user wants to do. Therefore the system hat to collect a lot of information that help to evaluate the context-situation the user is in. So the system gathers different kinds of tracking information (e.g. location, temperature, time, user´s knowledge, user´s mood, ...). This tracking data has to be collected and somehow combined to evaluate the right action of the computer system.

Here is a extract of the DAAD application (ProjectDescription)

TableOfContent (iterative, still in progress)

Documentation stuff

Collection of useful links

-- FelixLoew - 04 Jul 2004

Title: Improving Augmented Reality Table Top Applications with Hybrid Tracking
Abstract: Augmented Reality (AR) applications enrich the real world by augmenting virtual objects. In order to gaze this fusion of real environment and virtual content Augmented Reality setups utilize common graphical output hardware like Head Mounted Displays or Tablet PC and tracking technologies to estimate the position and orientation of tracking targets. Frequently used vision-based techniques like Natural Feature Tracking are error-prone to camera move- ments. Features have to be found in subsequent video frames again. Basic idea of this work is to adopt the search area for features to the change in orientation of the user interface hard- ware. This work is a first step to solve this problem for a special class of Augmented Reality applications, Table Top Augmented Reality. The work provides a hybrid tracking approach to bring tracking and the user ’s movement context together. Orientation information given by an additional tracker is used and applied for a dynamic configuration during runtime of the vision-based tracking routine, a texture tracking algorithm. To accomplish this a special software architecture is proposed. After we introduced the basic ideas of table top Augmented Reality we show the design, the execution and evaluation of a user study. Goal is to find an approximation for a linear mapping between user motion and search window of the texture tracking routine. Applying statistical techniques we will show that it is possible to derive such a mapping. This map- ping can be expressed by a simple linear function with the change of orientation as input parameter. We will also evaluate that the user behavior is related to the performed tasks. We will identify tasks for Table Top AR and discuss implications for the tracking routine.
Student: Felix Löw
Director: Gudrun Klinker
Supervisor: Martin Wagner
Type: Diploma Thesis
Status: finished
Finish: 2005/05/15

I Attachment sort Action down Size Date Who Comment
Introductiondiploma.ppt manage 633.5 K 20 Jul 2004 - 09:03 Main.loew Presentation: Introduction to diploma thesis
proposal_felixloew.ps manage 403.2 K 29 Oct 2004 - 03:45 Main.loew Thesis Proposal
presentation_hitlab21_01_05.ppt manage 6433.5 K 21 Jan 2005 - 04:37 Main.loew Presentation at the HITLAB 21.01.05

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