Interactive Tomographic Reconstruction for Freehand SPECT using the GPU
Thesis by:
Alexandru Duliu
Nassir Navab
Supervision by:
Tobias Lasser
In modern medical practice, tomographic reconstructions offer a remarkable diagnostic tool. It started as a complement to already existing imaging techniques (like X-ray imaging) but soon spawned practices and therapies for which it has become invaluable.
However the computational requirements associated with any kind of tomography are immense and can only be satised by dedicated workstations.
In this work we adapt existing algorithms used in emission tomography for many-core GPU architectures.
Using the graphics API of GPUs to speedup general computations is a popular technique nowadays. We however believe that too much of the computational resources of the GPU are wasted this way and that a more general approach to using the GPU'S necessary.
To this end we used nVidia's new compute unied device architecture (CUDA) for all our computations. It offers us the ability to run C code natively on the GPU, avoiding the whole graphics related functionality altogether.
With CUDA as a basis, we present a exible architecture for tomographic reconstructions that runs several times faster than on the CPU while removing all associated memory limitations. We then adapt our implementation for on-the-fly reconstructions for the emerging freehand Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography technology.
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