
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Bachelor/Master thesis: Rehabilitation game for the stability of the patient's leg

Thesis by:
Advisor: Nassir Navab
Supervision by: Ma Meng
Due date: now


A basic framework of augmented reality magic mirror, mirracle, has been developed. We want to develop several game for rehabilitation. Our medical partners told me that a lots of patients have to do some exercise to recover the stability of their legs after some surgeries. The rehabilitation scenario is that the patient needs to stand on only one of his legs and do some big movement with his both arms and another leg.


skillful at C++ and OpenGl? or DirectX?.


Develop a simple but interesting game for patients to motivate patients to do more exercise. Some game like "Catching fruits or kicking ball". The game should contain several level for different levels patients.


  • WP1: To discuss with senior medical partner to define the rehabilitation scenario
  • WP2: familiar with the framework and Kinect programming.
  • WP3: Finish the game design and Develop the game.
  • WP4: Do the patient study with our medical partner.

Title: Rehabilitation game for the stability of the patient's leg
Abstract: A basic framework of augmented reality magic mirror, mirracle, has been developed. We want to develop several game for rehabilitation. Our medical partners told me that a lots of patients have to do some exercise to recover the stability of their legs after some surgeries. The rehabilitation scenario is that the patient needs to stand on only one of his legs and do some big movement with his both arms and another leg. Develop a simple but interesting game for patients to motivate patients to do more exercise. Some game like "Catching fruits or kicking ball".
Director: Nassir Navab
Supervisor: Ma Meng,Pascal Fallavollita
Type: DA/MA/BA
Area: Medical Augmented Reality
Status: finished
Thesis (optional):  

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