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Klinisches Anwendungsprojekt: Development of an Actibelt Ecosystem

In cooperation with Trium GmbH/SLCMSR

Thesis by: Monika Nill, Benedikt Engeser, Sebastian Pretscher
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab
Supervision by: Ralf Stauder
Status: closed



The actibelt is a product, created by Trium to gather and evaluate the ability of walking and moving. There are two different versions: The actibelt RCT, which is designed for long term monitoring and studies, and the actibelt BLU with an integrated Bluetooth interface to do rapid tests and create an accurate snapshot of the patient’s status.

The objective of the project is to alter the actibelt system and extend it in a way to match the above picture. Therefore it is necessary to redevelop parts of the infrastructure and map them on a cloud computing based system. The focus is set on a high level of security to ensure the pseudonymised patients privacy. Thus it is crucial to strictly separate analysis and demographic data to prevent any conclusions from the cloud to the patient. Additionally every study has to be protected from other studies’ users. The data is supposed to be stored symmetrically encrypted in the cloud. Analysis and Metadata shall be stored on different physical locations the cloud servers for the huge amount of measurement data and the Trium server in Munich for Metadata as well as analysis results. The relation between measurements and patients is anonymously stored in an additional database. To ensure unimpeded transmissions, only SSL supported connections must be used. The access to the Trium servers ought to be managed through a dynamic and time dependent system.

Database stored job queues should be used to arrange a priority based sequence of computations in the cloud. Afterwards the result of the computation is sent to the applicant. An applicant might be a Java based desktop client (actibelt workstation actibelt RCT via USB) or an android device with the actibelt software (actibelt mobile actibelt BLU via Bluetooth) installed.

The focus of this project is on the actibelt mobile and the cloud environment. The mobile client ought to be built modular to ensure maximum flexibility. It should be possible to alter or deploy additional rapid tests to the android clients without the need to install new software.

The result of the project will be a prototype which will be the base for a productive environment.

Title: Development of an Actibelt Ecosystem
Abstract: The objective of the project is to alter the current actibelt system and extend it. Therefore it is necessary to redevelop parts of the infrastructure and map them on a cloud computing based system. The focus is set on a high level of security to ensure the pseudonymised patients privacy. Thus it is crucial to strictly separate analysis and demographic data to prevent any conclusions from the cloud to the patient.
Student: Monika Nill, Benedikt Engeser, Sebastian Pretscher
Director: Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab
Supervisor: Ralf Stauder
Type: IDP/Klinisches Anwendungsprojekt
Status: finished
Start: 2012-12-01
Finish: 2012-05-31
Thesis (optional):  

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