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Camera Calibration for a Multi-Camera Environment




Title: Camera Calibration for a Multi-Camera Environment
Abstract: Camera calibration is an important topic for any vision-based system and has applications in a wide range of engineering fields. It deals with finding the intrinsic parameters of a camera such as its focal length, its extrinsic parameters, i.e. its location in a world coordinate system, and the coefficients for correcting the radial lens distortion. When multiple cameras are involved the calibration task becomes more challenging because in general it is not possible for all cameras to see the target at the same time. This means that there are no correspondences across all the cameras. In order to obtain a calibration for all cameras methods have to be applied which can deal with missing data during the calibration process. These methods include algorithms which try to fill in missing data as well as algorithms which perform partial calibrations using a subset of the cameras and then merging these results either sequentially or hierarchically. In this work several of these methods will be implemented and compared in terms of ease of use and accuracy.
Student: Martin Dummer
Director: Prof. Baier
Supervisor: Alexander Ladikos
Type: IDP
Status: finished
Start: 18.04.2007
Finish: 18.10.2007

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