
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Meeting minutes Apr, 15th 2005

Attendants: Jörg Traub, Philipp Stefan, Ben Glocker, Latifa Omary


  • After discussion with Pr. Navab and Jörg, it was decided that we first concentrate
  • us on the tracking and the registration. The visualization could be done by another team if it is necessary.

Next task:

  • search for papers concerning Marker'S segmentation and registration 3D --> 3D

  • Extraction of the markers in the CT data set
  • Segmentation of the markers in the CT data set
  • Find the point in ART system (ask marko for 3D-->3D registration). One way will be to calculate the distance beetween the points (for that the position of the markers must not be symmetric), getting lists with groups of two points, then search for the neighboors.

  • Test if the markers work with MRI

Step for the segmentation:

  • By using the function "applyBinaryThresholdFilter" convert the image in a binary image with only values of 255 for the voxel representing the markers and 0 for the rest
  • With the function "regiongrowing" create a list (for example by using Vector) of points which are forming a region
  • Calculate the centroid
  • Keep on only the region which are representing a sphere


  • the documentation will be write in tech-file
  • note every document which are used for this pproject in the reference (bib-file)
  • every step has to be explained in details
  • search for papers treating this theme (what does exist? what are the problems ?...)
  • some keywords: markers extraction, fiducials markers, landmarkers in medical imaging, intra-markers distance korrelation.

Regular meetings Jörg/Philipp/Latifa:

  • NARVIS LAB: alternate Monday/Tuesday - 5 p.m
  • Garching: Friday - 1 p.m

-- LatifaOmary - 25 Apr 2005

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