
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
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Development and Implementation of a User-Friendly Tool for Analysis of the Patella Cartilage Using Magnetic Resonance Tomography

Student: Lorenz König
Advisor: Nassir Navab
Supervision by: Martin Groher, Andreas Keil, Ben Glocker


A segmented patella cartilage

Figure 1: A segmented patella cartilage (blue)

The detection and development of arthrosis (degenerative arthropathy) is a major issue for physicians in clinical routine due to very frequent occurences especially concerning older people. In Klinikum Grosshadern, a newly developed MRT (Magenetic Resonance Tomography) sequence provides information about the bio-chemical composition and architecture of the patella cartilage (joining kneecap and the cartilage of bones).

In order to prove the clinical significance of this novel MRT sequence the reproducability shall be shown for patient data acquired in short time intervals.

This involves segmentation of the patella cartilage and registration of different image sequences. The segmentation will be done model-based since contrast differences between patella and bone cartilages are rather small. Registration will first be performed rigidly, i.e. only rotation and translation parameters are to be recovered. Also, it has to be evaluated if an elastic approach would give better results once the patient data is acquired during longer time intervals.

The IDP covers the implementation and evaluation of the above mentioned segmentation and registration techniques. Talking about requirements and results to doctors is crucial in this IDP due to the novelty of the approach. It emphasizes the interdisciplinarity of the project and gives interesting insight into radiological routine.


  • Basic knowledge in C++
  • Interest in computer aided medical diagnosis


If the project is successful, a Hiwi job (Hilfwissenschaftler) could continue the work on a payed basis.


Interested students should contact Martin Groher

Title: Development and Implementation of a User-Friendly Tool for Analysis of the Patella Cartilage Using Magnetic Resonance Tomography
Abstract: The detection and development of arthrosis (degenerative arthropathy) is a major issue for physicians in clinical routine due to very frequent occurences especially concerning older people. In Klinikum Grosshadern, a newly developed MRT (Magenetic Resonance Tomography) sequence provides information about the bio-chemical composition and architecture of the patella cartilage (joining kneecap and the cartilage of bones). In order to prove the clinical significance of this novel MRT sequence the reproducability shall be shown for patient data acquired in short time intervals. This involves segmentation of the patella cartilage and registration of different image sequences. The segmentation will be done model-based since contrast differences between patella and bone cartilages are rather small. Registration will first be performed rigidly, i.e. only rotation and translation parameters are to be recovered. Also, it has to be evaluated if an elastic approach would give better results once the patient data is acquired during longer time intervals. The IDP covers the implementation and evaluation of the above mentioned segmentation and registration techniques. Talking about requirements and results to doctors is crucial in this IDP due to the novelty of the approach. It emphasizes the interdisciplinarity of the project and gives interesting insight into radiological routine.
Student: Lorenz König
Director: Nassir Navab
Supervisor: Martin Groher, Andreas Keil, Ben Glocker
Type: IDP
Status: finished
Thesis (optional):  

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