
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
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Augmentation of Segmented Liver Data onto the Endoscope View

Student: Stefan Wiesner
Advisor: Prof. Feußner
Supervision by: Joerg Traub
Deadline: 15.05.2005 Student Project (Diplomarbeit)


One way to treat liver tumors is the laparoscopic surgery. To help the physician finding these tumors on the laparoscopic view, a preoperatively genrerated model of the liver gets fused with the video from the laparoscope. This application is developed to work on a phantom currently developed at MITI.


  • Calibration: To set the correct camera pose for viewing the model in the application, the laparoscope with an attached target is tracked by a tracking system. The tracking system is capable to recognize the pose of the target. By a suitable calibration method, the transformation between the target and the camera is computed.

  • Registration: Once the camera is setup correctly, the pose of the liver model has to be registerd with the one of the real liver. In a first stage this will be done with the matching of corresponding 3D points. Markers, visible in a ct-scan, can be fixed onto the phantoms skin. In a segmentation step the 3D positions of the markers in the ct-scan get extracted. During the treatment of the phantom the markers are detected by the tracking system. With an iterative closest point matching algorithm, both pointsets can be aligned.

  • Implementation: The application will be implemented in C++. OpenGL?, FreeGLUT?, OpenInventor? (Coin3D) and XercesC? will be used as additional libraries to handle the graphical output and xml processing.

The calibration and registration will be implemented in a library for usage in future projects.


Title: Augmentation of Segmented Liver Data onto the Endoscope View
Abstract: One way to treat liver tumors is the laparoscopic surgery. To help the physician finding these tumors on the laparoscopic view a preoperatively genrerated model of the liver gets fused with the video from the laparoscope. This application is developed to work on a phantom currently developed at MITI.
Student: Stefan Wiesner
Director: Prof. Feussner
Supervisor: Joerg Traub
Type: IDP
Status: finished
Start: 2004/11/30
Finish: 2005/06/30

I Attachment sort Action down Size Date Who Comment manage 66.7 K 05 Nov 2004 - 09:27 StefanWiesner matlab sources for my idp
matlabFiles.rar manage 66.5 K 07 Nov 2004 - 17:14 StefanWiesner matlab sources for my idp

Edit | Attach | Refresh | Diffs | More | Revision r1.11 - 09 Jan 2006 - 21:52 - JoergTraub