Thesis: Computation of Detectability Indices for Medical Imaging
Thesis by: -
Tobias Lasser
Supervision by:
Matthias Wieczorek
Medical imaging is a well established tool for diagnosis. Most imaging modalities however have drawbacks, such as radiation exposure and long imaging times. To alleviate these drawbacks, optimized imaging protocols are an interesting topic of research. For cases where the imaging target is already known, it is often possible to compute feature descriptors enabling optimization of the acquisition protocol for this particular feature. A particular group of such feature descriptors are the detectability indices, which form the basis for this Master's thesis.
The aim of this thesis is the adaption and efficient computation of detectability indices from X-ray CT for medical imaging modalities such as SPECT, PET or phase-contrast CT. Once implemented, these indices will be used for optimization of acquisition setups in the respective modalities. The results should be tested and evaluated both on simulated and real clinical data sets (in cooperation with our partners at the university clinic MRI and the physics department).
Interest in maths, programming skills (for example Matlab, Python, C++).