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Bachelor's thesis: Implementation and evaluation of splitting methods for reconstruction of X-ray Computed Tomography

Thesis by: Johann Frei
Advisor: Bjoern Menze
Supervision by: Tobias Lasser, Matthias Wieczorek


Reconstruction of X-ray computed tomography (CT) data enables insight into the human body without a surgical procedure. The basic concept comes down to sending X-rays through the human body and measuring the changed X-ray on the other side of the patient. Such methods are called projective imaging methods. In order to reconstruct a 3D volume of the human body providing a map of the physical properties which led to the according projective measurements, there exist several algorithms, for example direct methods such as Filtered-Backprojection, or iterative methods. Iterative methods can be classified into statistical approaches using the maximum-likelihood and into series expansion methods using linear equation systems.
Consequently, there exist multiple algorithms in order to compute tomographic reconstructions.


Subject of this Master’s thesis is the implementation of splitting methods (such as Split-Bregman or ADMM) and a quantitative evaluation of their performance for the application to tomographic reconstruction.


Scientific programming, strong mathematic background, C++


Title: Implementation and evaluation of splitting methods for reconstruction of X-ray Computed Tomography
Abstract: Reconstruction of X-ray computed tomography (CT) data enables insight into the human body without a surgical procedure. The basic concept comes down to sending X-rays through the human body and measuring the changed X-ray on the other side of the patient. Such methods are called projective imaging methods. In order to reconstruct a 3D volume of the human body providing a map of the physical properties which led to the according projective measurements, there exist several algorithms, for example direct methods such as Filtered-Backprojection, or iterative methods. Iterative methods can be classified into statistical approaches using the maximum-likelihood and into series expansion methods using linear equation systems.
Consequently, there exist multiple algorithms in order to compute tomographic reconstructions.
Student: Johann Frei
Director: Bjoern Menze
Supervisor: Tobias Lasser, Matthias Wieczorek
Type: Bachelor Thesis
Area: Medical Imaging
Status: finished
Start: 2016/05/15
Finish: 2016/09/15
Thesis (optional):  

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