Depth Control and UI for Camera Augmented Mobile C-arm
A Camera Augmented Mobile C-Arm system aiming to reduce the amount of radiation has been
introduced by Navab et al. [1]. It uses an optical imaging system rigidly
attached to the gantry such that the optical and X-ray imaging geometry
is identical. As an extension to their solution, an additional video camera is mounted
in an orthogonal arrangement to the first video camera, providing the source data for
an optical marker based tracking of the surgical tools. Exploiting the invariance of
the cross ratio in projective geometry, the position of the tip of any previously measured
surgical instrument can be estimated. This information is the used to augment a static
x-ray image in realtime.
Furthermore, a new, streamlined User Interface is implemented, allowing for quick and flexible
deployment of the system in clinical studies.
[1] Navab, N., Mitschke, M., Bani-Hashemi, A.: Merging visible and invisible: Two
camera-augmented mobile C-arm (CAMC) applications. In: Proc. IEEE and ACM
Int’l Workshop on Augmented Reality, San Francisco, CA, USA (1999) 134–141