Integrating a X-Server into a CAVE
In this SEP we have to integrate the data represented from a x-Server onto display into CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment). The data is to be represented as a texture mapped onto object(e.g. plane) in the virtual space. So the user can see a virtual desktop, placed somewhere in the virtual world. In a future SEP this desktop have to be made able to response to user interaction directly in the CAVE.
PDF document about this project.
The texture have to offer high-resolution and at least movie-texture quality. A performant, reliable and flexible application is to be made, that runs on 10-Linux-box-cluster (BMW-Cave). The integration into
OpenInventor (
OpenSG) have to be implemented.
Capturing of X-Server-Image
The particular frames, which are rendered on a machine are captured via virtual framebuffer XServer (
Xvfb ) from X11. It is part of the X11 implementation and offers the possibility, to redirect the frames to the memory.
Preparation of screen data distribution
Virtual FrameBuffer provides X-Window-Dump in xwd-format. This dump is distributed over the network to the Linux-Cluster, where it is mapped as a texture onto object(plane).
Data distribution
The X-Server-Protocol care about the data-distribution over the network. It is performant, because it sends only the "changes" of the dump and not the whole dump.
To send the image-data to all 10 Linux-boxes in the cluster we use a proxy X-Server - Distributed Multi-head X-Server (Xdmx).
- X-Protocol-Communication:
Data conversion
Before rendering the image-data is converted from a library into internal format, which is supported by the rendering software. That means, that the data can be passed immediate as texture parameter to
OpenInventor? (Coin3D) and VRED (
The Coin3D-Implementation is extended with a object, that does not read image from file, but from shared memory, which can directly get rendered. There is a object in Coin3D, which implements the whole functionality of a texture - SoTexture2. We extends this object by a object(SoActiveTexture2), that can read directly, initialize and update its image-data from shmem. This object can be used as Dynamic Shared Library.
Because the
OpenSG? texture-object allows the modifying of the internal buffer, we use this object directly and have not extended them.
- Data-Deployment:
Required Libraries and Packages
- Xvfb
- freeglut (glu)
- X11_develop (XWD-File)
- 3D-Rendering library: OpenSG, OpenInventor (Coin3D or IGS Inventor)
- Checkout sources from svnnavab:/svn/xincave (correct?, does it work?)
- compile (??)
The Environment:
> Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x24 -shmem
- copy shmem id
and to the compiled libxgl
- OpenSG:
> ./texture2 <shmem id>
The Applications:
- export DISPLAY variable to
- Start your applications (e.g. kwin, kdesktop, glxgears, xine, ...)
SEP Organisational
- Render a X-Server output to a 2D plane in a scenegraph
- Display scene-graph in a CAVE environment (10 hosts)
- Skills in Programming in C/C++
- Skills in distributed systems (Sockets, X-Protocol)
Desired Learning:
- Improved Skills in Distributed Systems
- Skills in performant network useage and realtime systems
MarcusToennis - 16 Jun 2005