
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
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Personalized Ubiquitous Computing with Handhelds in an Ad-Hoc Service Environment


Student: Franz Strasser
Professor: Gudrun Klinker
Supervisor: Asa MacWilliams


Current AR application are mostly static configurated systems which only hardly or not at all be altered by the user at runtime to fit his/her specific needs. However, the DWARF framework enables the system to provide default configuration values which can be merged or overwritten by personal preferences of the users. This work introduces concepts which are realized in the ARCHIE system by using DWARF.

More Information

Title: Personalized Ubiquitous Computing with Handhelds in an Ad-Hoc Service Environment
Abstract: Current AR application are mostly static configurated systems which only hardly or not at all be altered by the user at runtime to fit his/her specific needs. However, the DWARF framework enables the system to provide default configuration values which can be merged or overwritten by personal preferences of the users. This work introduces concepts which are realized in the ARCHIE system by using DWARF.
Student: Franz Strasser
Director: Gudrun Klinker
Supervisor: Asa MacWilliams
Type: SEP
Status: finished
Finish: 2003/04/15

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