Clinical Keynotes
![Me](../../twiki/pub/AECAI2015/KeynoteSpeakers/Simon.png) |
Dr. med. Simon Weidert
Department of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Surgery, Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich, Germany
Dr. med Simon Weidert is a doctor at the trauma orthopedics department of the Hospital of the University of Munich. He is head of the research group Computer Aided Surgeries and Simulation and focuses on the intersection of medicine and computer science. An area of particular interest for Dr. Weidert is the commercialisation of new technologies in the healthcare market. Amongst other projects, he took part in the development of a next-generation intraoperative X-ray device and won several national business competition prizes with his team of SmartSurgicalSolutions. He is an alumni of the University of Mainz.