DIVE Feature Requests
- more filtering options: show only connections of specific type or protocol -- MartinBauer - 31 Oct 2003
- more display detais: show type/protocol with ability name, e.g. an ability "viewpoint:PoseData"
(this makes an overall more UML-like diagram) -- MartinBauer - 31 Oct 2003
- some sort of access restriction for the python shell the possibility to hack everyones services makes development and testing significant harder
- Command line options interface: One consistent interface for services to export which settings are changeable and then an interface in DIVE to alter them (Most of the time these will be at least the command line parameters a service accepts)
- DIVE crashes a lot. -- MartinBauer - 31 Oct 2003
- Actually it crashes that much it is unusable -- OtmarHilliges - 13 Nov 2003
I've eliminated a Speicherschutzverletzung in the View-Update-Process; I hope it is the only one
MarkusGeipel - 20 Nov 2003
- DIVE Ideas Discussion: see DiveJustIdeas.
- to see what has been done or will be done, consult DiveAusbaustufen.
- We have a naming problem, since there already is another project called DIVE. Perhaps we should think of another acronym for the next version? Add your Ideas
Is this page used anymore?
here... --
AsaMacWilliams - 10 Nov 2003