
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Immersive Configuration

In user interfaces in ubiquitous augmented reality, information can be distributed over a variety of different, but complementary, displays. For example, these can include stationary, opaque displays and see-through, head-worn displays. Users can also interact through a wide range of interaction devices. In the unplanned, everyday interactions that we would like to support, we would not know in advance the exact displays and devices to be used, or even the users who would be involved. All of these might even change during the course of interaction. Therefore, a flexible infrastructure for user interfaces in ubiquitous augmented reality should automatically accommodate a changing set of input devices and the interaction techniques with which they are used. This project embodies the first steps toward building a mixed-reality system that allows users to configure a user interface in ubiquitous augmented reality.
This project has been conducted at Columbia University by a a visiting scientist from our research group. .

Demo Immersive (Movie)

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