Dr. Christoph Hennersperger,
Prof. Nassir Navab
Julia Rackerseder,
Beatrice Lentes,
Marina Moskvina
Type: Master Practical Course
Module IN2106,
Module IN2257,
Module IN8021
Course Title: MedInnovate Graduate Programme -
Link to TUMOnline
Programs lab course: Biomedical Computing (Master), Informatics (Master)
Programs elective course: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, School of Management, Industrial Design
SWS: 6
ECTS: 10 Credits
Meetings: See schedule below
The course will be conducted in English.
Important News
- Application deadline extended until 07-MAR-2018
Application is still open for students from Computer Science, Robotics and Engineering!
Application deadline is *28-FEB-2018*
Extended application deadline for computer scientist and engineers is *17-FEB-2018*
Application deadline for TUM matching system (Informatics) is 14-FEB-2018
- Preliminary Meeting is on 29-JAN-2018, 1230-1300 in room MI 03.13.010
How to be part of it
Please apply for this lab course by mail in advance. We will select appropriate candidates based on their background, interests, and motivation. The notification of acceptance to the course will be distributed around 15-MAR-2018.
Application deadline is
Students from the informatics faculty have to register through the common IN.TUM-Matching-System (Application deadline
For application send the following documents to
- CV
- up to date score sheet
- motivation letter (max 1.5 pages), answering the following questions
- Which learnings from your previous team and project experiences would you contribute and transfer to the program?
- You should have basic knowledge and understanding of medical technology. Describe it shortly. If you have no experience in this field, which knowledge and expertise can you bring to the team to be successful?
- What is your motivation to take part in the MedInnovate program? What is the main goal you want to reach at the end of this semester?
What is MedInnovate?
Do you want to find out about medical innovation? Do you want to develop a concept that can solve a clinical need? Do you want to find a good idea for a start-up company?
Then you should join MedInnovate, a hands-on seminar where you learn how to successfully identify unmet clinical needs within the clinical routine and work towards possible and realistic solutions to solve those needs. You get to know tools helping you to be a successful innovator in medical technology. This includes all steps from needs finding and selection to defining appropriate solution concepts, including the development of first prototypes. During the course, necessary steps for successful idea and concept creation are presented and fully realized in interdisciplinary project teams. During the project phase, each team is supported by coaches from academia, industry and medicine, in order to allow for direct and continuous exchange.
Course Features
- Work in interdisciplinary teams.
- Spend a minimum of three full days in full clinical immersion, identifying unmet needs.
- Get training by UnternehmerTUM tutors about coordinated brain storming, needs identification, needs selection and concept generation.
- Build your first prototype, with support from UnternehmerTUM MakerSpace.
For more details about the course and our project MedInnovate please visit the project webpage:
Who should participate?
We accept and encourage students of all disciplines to join for this lab course. Focusing on medical technology and applications to the clinical routine, we anticipate a broad field of studies as main audience, including:
- Computer scientists
- Engineers of any kind
- Biologists, chemists, physicists
- Business administration and economics students
- Industrial Designers
Students should have basic knowledge and understanding of medical technology, with an interest in innovation within the field. Due to the interdisciplinarity of project teams, skills within the respective area of specialty will be required throughout the progress of the lab course.
We encourage students to work pro-actively with exchange within, but also across the borders of the teams.
Passing requirements
- Active participation and presence in all workshops and meetings
- Submission of all assignments in time
- Presentation of intermediate and final concept work.
Collaborating Medical Departments
- Urologische Klinik und Poliklinik der Technischen Universität München - Klinikum Rechts der Isar
- Vascular Surgery - Helios Kliniken München-West
- Institut für Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie - Klinikum Rechts der Isar
- Institut für diagnostische und interventionelle Radiologie
Course Phases
Period | Working Phase |
11-APR-2018 -- 18-APR-2018 | MedInnovate tools at hand (workshops) |
23-APR-2018 -- 23-MAY-2018 | Clinical immersion - observation in practice and daily routine |
24-MAY-2018 -- 10-JUN-2018 | Needs evaluation and ideation |
11-JUN-2018 -- 11-JUL-2018 | Prototyping and validation |
12-JUL-2018 | MedInnovate Summer Symposium |
Schedule (Preliminary)
Date | Topic | Conducted by | Location | Materials |
29-JAN-2018 // 1230 - 1300 | Preliminary meeting ("Vorbesprechung") | Course Tutors | MI 03.13.010 | Slides |
15-FEB-2018 // 2359 | Application Deadline for Computer Science students (Matching system) | | | |
28-FEB-2018 // 2359 | Application Deadline | | |
11-APR-2018 // 0900 - 1700 | Workshop: This is MedInnovate, Design Thinking, Needs finding, Prototyping | MedInnovate team | N5325 | |
17-APR-2018 // 0900 - 1700 | Workshop: Teams, Specialty Intro | MedInnovate team | TranslaTUM | |
18-APR-2018 // 0900 - 1700 | Workshop: Needs evaluation & Storytelling | MedInnovate team | TranslaTUM | |
19-APR-2018 -- 23-APR-2018 | Clinical introductions - one initial meeting with clinical advisors during that period | MedInnovate team & Student teams & Clinical advisors | | |
02-MAY-2018 // 1400 - 1700 | Biweekly update | Student teams | TranslaTUM, Forum left side | |
09-MAY-2018 // 0900 - 1800 | Workshop Presentations, Design Thinking Tools, Teamwork | MedInnovate team & Student teams | TranslaTUM, Forum left side | |
23-MAY-2018 // 1400 - 1730 | Presentation front-runner needs | Student teams | TranslaTUM, Forum left side | |
06-JUN-2018 // 1400 - 1700 | Biweekly update | Student teams | UnternehmerTUM, room Anton | |
13-JUN-2018 // 1400 - 1730 | Presentation front-runner concepts | Student teams | TranslaTUM, Forum left side | |
27-JUN-2018 // 1230 - 1600 | Biweekly update | Student teams | KMLE offices | |
04-JUL-2018 // 1400 - 1730 | Presentation final concept and prototype // Pitch-perfect individual sessions | MedInnovate team & Student teams | TranslaTUM, Forum left side | |
12-JUL-2018 // 1600 - 2400 | MedInnovate Summer Symposium | MedInnovate team & Student teams | | TranslaTUM, Forum right side |
03-AUG-2018 // 2359 | Final deliverables due | Student teams | | |
TBA | What's next? Reflection and Future | MedInnovate team & Student teams | | |
Literature and Resources
Innovation projects