
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Computational Physiology for Medical Image Computing - IN2319


Lecture: Prof. Bjoern Menze

External resources: Zoom video link, recorded lectures, other materials available in Moodle

Time & Location

  • Lecture: Thursdays, 9:00am - 10:30am. Lecture will be streamed, slides will be made available before. Lectures will be recorded and made made available in Moodle.
  • Exercise & discussion: Thursdays, 10:30am - 12:00am. A moderated discussion of the lecture of the previous week will take place ('Zentraluebung'), and a discussion of selected research papers presenting use cases. ]


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to use computational models for extracting diagnostic information from different types of clinical image data sets. These data sets may provide information, for example, about blood perfusion or micro-structural tissue properties, about metabolic processes, or patterns of disease progression. The participants will understand the physiological concepts underlying the computational algorithms employed, and will know of advantages and shortcomings of different modeling strategies. This will allow them to analyze clinical imaging protocols with respect to the underlying physiological information, and to propose diagnostic algorithms that combine anatomical and physiological information of different imaging. A focus will be on applications from neuroimaging.


  • Basic knowledge in image computing (e.g., CAMP I lecture or related courses).
  • Interest in algorithmic aspects of signal processing and image computing tasks.


Due to the electronic teaching requirements of this semester, the format will differ a bit from previous years and from the module description. No coding exercises will take place, but a discussion and presentation of research papers instead.

  • Module Specification: IN2319
  • SWS: 2+2
  • ECTS: 6 Credits
  • Course Language: English
  • Exam: oral or written exam

Course Schedule

Date Time Topic Material
Thu 23.04.20 10:00-10:30 Intro (brief, technicalities)  
Thu 30.04.20 9:00-11:00 Tissue structure (macro)  
Thu 07.05.20 9:00-11:00 Tissue structure (micro)  
Thu 14.05.20 9:00-11:00 Blood (perfusion)  
Thu 21.05.20 9:00-11:00 [no lecture]  
Thu 28.05.20 9:00-11:00 Blood (neurokinetics)  
Thu 04.06.20 9:00-11:00 Metabolism (MRI)  
Thu 11.06.20 9:00-11:00 [no lecture]  
Thu 18.06.20 9:00-11:00 Metabolism (PET)  
Thu 25.06.20 9:00-11:00 Disease (tumor & population)  
Thu 02.07.20 by appointment Papers, use cases: preparation meetings  
Thu 09.07.20 by appointment Papers, use cases: preparation meetings  
Thu 16.07.20 9:00-13:00 Presentations  
Thu 23.07.20 9:00-13:00 Presentations  
Thu 30.07.20 by appointment Oral exams  
Thu 06.08.20 9:00-11:00 [no meeting]  


Structure Macro:

Structure Micro:

Blood Perfusion:

Blood Neurokinetics:

Metabolism MRI:

Metabolism PET:

Disease Models (Tumor):

Disease Models (Population):

Title: Computational Physiology for Medical Image Computing
Professor: Prof. Bjoern Menze
Tutors: TBA
Type: Lecture
Information: 2 + 2 SWS, 6 ECTS Credits (IN2319)
Term: 2020SoSe

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