
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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AXSight Business Plan has been awarded at the Munich Business Plan Competition

AXSight is a new solution for image guided surgery. The AXSight system provides intraoperative X-ray overlayed with live video images. Using this Augmented Reality overlay, the surgeon can see all information from the X-ray accurately overlayed with information from the video.

SmartSurgicalSolutions, consisting of Lejing Wang, Simon Weidert, Tobias Blum and Nassir Navab, has received an award from the Munich Business Plan Competition for their business plan on AXSight. Out of 131 business plans that have been submitted in the first round of the competition, 10 business plans have been awarded.

MBPW winners

Title: AXSight Business Plan has been awarded at the Munich Business Plan Competition
Date: 24 February 2011
Abstract: Our business plan for AXSight has been awarded in the first round of the Munich Business Plan Competition
Imageurl: mbpw.gif
Type: News

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