Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Operation der Zukunft - Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realitaet im OP

The NARVIS Lab performs interdisciplinary research on medical augmented reality, surgical navigation, and visualization as part of a collaboration between computer scientists from the Chair of Computer Aided Medical Procedures, TUM and medical experts from the Innenstadt Klinikum, LMU.

As part of the anniversary celebrations of the LMU Klinikum Innenstadt we would like to invite you to visit us at the NARVIS Day on July 27th starting at 6pm. A lecture, live demos, and an industry exhibition are open to the public. We will start with a lecture that covers surgical navigation, medical innovation, and an overview on our areas of research with the speakers: Prof. Dr. Reto Bale, Dr. Thomas Feigl, Dr. Simon Weidert, and Dr. Joerg Traub. After the lecture we will have stunning live demonstrations of our research projects, an exiting industry exhibition, and food / drinks.

We are looking to seeing you there!

For further information, please check the official Flyer as well as the poster for the NARVIS day.

Date and time:

July 27th, 6pm - 9pm

Location info:

Klinikum der Universität München
Nußbaumstraße 20
80336 München

Title: Operation der Zukunft - Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realitaet im OP
Date: 27 July 2016
Location: Munich, Germany
Abstract: As part of the anniversary celebrations of the LMU Klinikum Innenstadt we would like to invite you to visit us at the NARVIS Day on July 27th starting at 6pm. A lecture, live demos, and an industry exhibition are open to the public.
Imageurl: narvis-logo.jpg
Type: News

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