
Fachgebiet Erweiterte Realität (Prof. Gudrun Klinker)
Research Group for Augmented Reality

Vorlesung SS 03

Erweiterte Realität II
(Augmented Reality II)

  Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D.


Diplom-Studiengang: Haupstudium
2 SWS Vorlesung im Bereich Informatik I (Praktische Informatik)
Dienstag, 15. April, 9:15 Uhr
Wöchentliche Termine
Zeit: dienstags, 9:15 - 10:45 Uhr
Ort: Raum 01.07.014
Studierende im Hauptstudium der Informatik
Bachelorstudierende der Informatik
Grundstudium Informatik
Vorlesung Einführung in die Erweiterte Realität
Mündliche Prüfung zu Beginn der Semesterferien
Prüfungstermine: 15. Juli, 17. Juli, 23. Juli
Nachholprüfung: 23. Oktober
Anmeldung per Email an
The class will be conducted in English

Date Subject, links to slides
Apr. 15, 2003 1.     Introduction, demos
Apr. 22, 2003 2.     CV: planar projective geometry
Apr. 29, 2003 3.     CV: 3D projective geometry, estimation
May 6, 2003 4.     CV: camera calibration (Studentenvollversammlung)
May 13, 2003 4.     CV: camera calibration
May 20, 2003 5.     CV: epipolar geometry
May 27, 2003 6.     In: context toolkit
June 3, 2003 7.     In: information filtering
June 10, 2003
- no class (Pentecost) -
June 17, 2003 8.     UI: user interfaces
June 24, 2003 9.     UI: tangible user interfaces
July 1, 2003 10.   Conclusions, discussion, demos

Augmented Reality (AR) allows users to view computer information that is graphically embedded within the real three-dimensional world. Using a semi-transparent head-mounted display (HMD) attached to a wearable computer, a user can inspect and manipulat e objects while viewing information about these objects in the HMD. This information is typically displayed as virtual objects in the real world, thus augmenting the perception of the user. The wearable computer enables users to carry their work as they normally do, without imposing constraints on their mobility or their hand. AR applications span from medical minimally invasive surgery to manufacturing, from machine inspection and repair to games and tourist guides.

This class presents technical and mathematical foundations of Augmented Reality - as used in current international research and applications. In particular, the class will teach

  • Geometric concepts (projective transformations, epipolar geometry) that are required for optically registering and tracking objects,
  • Fast rendering algorithms (as used for computer games)
  • Concepts for modeling user contexts in ubiquitous environments
  • Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman. Multiple View Geometry in computer vision. Cambridge University Press, 2000. ISBN 0-521-62304-9.
  • Alan Watt and Fabio Policarpo. 3D Games, Animation and Advanced Real-time Rendering, volume 2. Addison Wesley and Pearson Education Ltd., 2003. ISBN 0-201-78706-7.
  • Anind K. Dey and Gregory D. Abowd. A Conceptual Framework and a Toolkit for Supporting the Rapid Prototyping of Context-Aware Applications. Georgia Institute of Technology,>
  • ...more to come...

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