
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Developing your own application

If possible, every piece of code (GUI elements, algorithms) should be programmed in a way that it can be reused by others. If your GUI element could be used for more than one application, try to create a Qt widget and include this in your app. If your algorithms is a generic one, try to include it in existing Xenon facades (like segmentation or registration (ToDo)).

If your application / algorithm doesn't fit in a common framework, you either have the option of creating a Xenon facade for your application (with the advantage of having an image manager as well as some algorithms at hand) or you may create your own Qt application using just the Qt widgets.

Developing Xenon facades

We should provide an almost empty example facade (MyNewFacade) here which users may download and start from.

Developing Xenon plugins

We should provide an empty example plugin (MyNewPlugin) here which users may download and start from. It should be integrated in MyNewFacade.

Environment Variables

  • Visual Studio 2005
    • Place your own path folders in the global path. (The user path will be overwritten by the script in the next step.)
    • Execute <SVN>/3rdparty/3RDPARTY_PATH.bat

Creating qmake project files

Creating Visual Studio project files

  • Create a directory with your source code files.
  • Create a qmake project file (.pro).
  • Run qmake -t vclib for libraries or qmake -t vcapp for applications (use VS 2005 command prompt).
  • In order to generate a unique project ID (which qmake isn't capable of) do the following:
    • Delete ProjectGUID="{...}" from the beginning of the generated .vcproj file.
    • Open the project with Visual Studio (while guaranteeing that it isn't included in a solution yet).
    • Visual Studio then generates a new GUID and the project file can be saved.


  • DICOM import and export
    • gdcm + gdcmTools
  • Integration of OpenCV functions
    • OpenCV + MedicalOpenCV

Deploying Xenon on Windows machines

  • The easiest way to deply a VC++ application to another computer is to create a setup project for your application (File -> New -> Project -> Other Project Types -> Setup and Deployment). This will gather all required libraries and create an installer for you.

  • If you want to deploy a project manually, you'll need to copy the following files:
    • xenon.exe
    • the DLLs from the Xenon main folder as well as the ones from the plugins folders
    • the CAMPlib DLLs (/src/camplib/bin/*.dll)
    • DLLs for the widgets and wrappers you need (/src/libs/.../*.dll), e.g. QtWidgets, gdcm
    • DLLs for the third party libraries that are needed (/3rdparty/.../*.dll), hot candidates are Qt, gdcm, cg, OpenGLUT, and GLEW
    • the VC runtime libraries; ALERT! Attention: Nowadays, simply copying a few DLLs is not enough. Instead, copy vcredist_x86.exe from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\BootStrapper\Packages\vcredist_x86 to the client and run it there.

Edit | Attach | Refresh | Diffs | More | Revision r1.13 - 16 Mar 2006 - 13:43 - AndreasKeil

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