The challenges and demands of modern surgery to biomedical engineering by Hubertus Feussner | |
Biochip technology by Alexander Zasedatelev |
Improving the quality of robotic heart surgery: evaluation in a new experimental study (Robert Bauernschmitt, Eva U. Braun, Hermann Mayer, Alois Knoll, Rüdiger Lange) |
Towards an integrated navigation system for endovascular abdominal aortic repairs (EVARS) (Stefanie Demirci, Oliver Kutter, Nassir Navab) |
Aortic aneurysm therapy endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) (Reza Ghotbi) |
2D-3D nonrigid registration of vascular structures for liver chemoembolizations (M. Groher, D. Zikic, N. Navab) |
Patient positioning using 3-D surface registration (André Adelt, Christian Schaller, Joachim Hornegger) |
Current status of lymph node mapping in GI-cancer patients and future perspectives towards application of a miniaturized beta-probe (M. Burian, M.E. Martignoni, D. Wilhelm, H. Feussner, H. Friess) |
An electromagnetic camera control system for minimally invasive surgery (A. Fiolka, M. Polski, S. Can, A. Schneider, H. Feußner) |
Embedded QRS detection for noisy ECG sensor data using a matched filter and directed graph search (Bjoern Eskofier and Joachim Hornegger) |
Apparatus-program system for diagnostics and correction of autonomous nervous system dysfunctions (V.S. Kublanov, V.A. Shmykalov, V.B. Kostousov, Y.E. Kazakov, Kh.Z. Brainina) |
Mobile radio-physical system for the functional researches of brain (V.S. Kublanov, V.A. Dorofeev, V.B. Kostousov, A.V. Glazkov) |
Polygraphic DC amplifier for biomedical application (Dmitriy Prilutskiy) |
Low power wireless ECG sensor (I. Chepiga, D. Prilutskiy, A.Ustinov) |
Taking endoscopy to a higher dimension: Computer Aided 3-D NOTES (Kurt Höller, Jochen Penne, Armin Schneider, Dominik Tacke, Joachim Hornegger) |
Correction of intensity inhomogeneities utilizing histogram-based regularization (F. Jaeger, M. Balda, and J. Hornegger) |
Bolus detection in colon MRI (Keil, Andreas, Harrer, Christian, Kirchhoff, Sonja, Kirchhoff, Chlodwig, Mussack, Thomas, Lienemann, Andreas, Reiser, Maximilian and Navab, Nassir) |
Time-of-flight based endoscopy for NOTES interventions: challenges and limitations (Jochen Penne, Michael Stürmer, Dirk Wilhelm, Joachim Hornegger) |
3D-reconstruction in the presence of motion (Marcus Prümmer, Joachim Hornegger) |
Robust speech recognition for human-robot interaction in minimal invasive surgery (B. Schuller, C. Scheuermann, S. Can, B. Schuller, H. Feussner) |
Rivet application for wound closure with flexible endoscopy in endoluminal endosurgery (Sonja Gillen, Adam Fiolka, Salman Can, Armin Schneider, Helmut Frieß, Hubertus Feußner) |
Corpora aliena: can radio- frequency- identification (RFID) solve the problem? (Michael Kranzfelder, Armin Schneider, Helmut Friess, Hubertus Feussner) |
Hypertension causes lack of recovery of baroreflex function after heart surgery (B Retzlaff, N Wessel, H Malberg, R Lange, R Bauernschmitt) |
First cholecystectomy with the new, highly versatile single port system for minimally invasive surgery (Salman Can, Hermann Mayer, Adam Fiolka, Armin Schneider, Hubertus Feussner) |
A new systems solution to make scarless surgery feasible (A. Schneider, A. Meining, S. v. Delius, D. Wilhelm, S. Can, A. Fiolka, H. Schlicht, E. Wintermantel, H. Feussner) |
Evaluation of CT guided upper GI endoscopy using an electromagnetic navigation system (D. Wilhelm, M. Doundoulakis, M. Burian, H. Friess, H. Feussner) |
Electrodes' requirements for precardiac measurements ( A.V. Kobelev, S.I. Schookin) |
Hardware and software system for single-flash electroretinogram (Sergey V. Rezvykh, Igor N. Spiridonov, Marina V. Zueva, Irina V. Tsapenko) |
Research of fingerprints minutiae position stability (E.V. Sologub, I.N. Spiridonov, A.A. Khrulev) |
Voice-based biometric identification (O.V. Vasilevskaya, A.A. Khrulev, J.G. Gorshkov, I.N. Spiridonov) |
A multiscale algorithm for P-wave parameters estimation (Shchepetov D.S.) |
Design and application of the method for biolocation data processing (L. N. Anischenko, V. B. Parashin) |
Structure and form measurement of medical and biologic images (I.N. Spiridonov) |
Quantitative morphometry of medical and biologic preparations (A.V. Samorodov, M.G. Polyanskaya, I.N. Spiridonov) |
The developing of cytological image segmentation method (Maria G. Polyanskaya, Andrey V. Samorodov) |
Image compression method using layer decomposition and elementary layer block prediction (S.A. Bolotov) |
Layered motion compensation for a low bit rate embedded wavelet video coder (Sergei V. Umnyashkin, Eugenia A. Koplovich, Andrei A. Alexandrov) |
A modification of image compression algorithm based on encoding of tree-arranged wavelet coefficients (Sergei V. Umnyashkin, Dmitri M. Koplovich, Andrei S. Pokrovskiy) |
About digital image structure (A.S. Pospelov) |
Incidence, pathogenesis, and prevention of implant associated nosocomial infections (J. Peter Guggenbichler) |
Prevention of implant associated nosocomial infections ( J.Peter Guggenbichler) |
Antimicrobial activity of biomedical implants (J. Peter Guggenbichler) |
Machine learning based prediction of compound behavior in CYP 3A4, CYP 2D6 and CYP 2C9 (Tobias Girschick, Thomas Herz, Stefan Kramer) |
Interpreting PET scans by structured patient data: a data mining case study in dementia research (Andreas Hapfelmeier, Jana Schmidt, Marianne Mueller, Robert Perneczky, Alexander Drzezga, Stefan Kramer) |
Design and development of axial blood pump for implantable assist circulation system (D. V. Vashurhin, G.I. Itkin, E. V. Konisheva, O. V. Romanov) |
Mathematical model of human cardiovascular system for implantable rotor blood pump researchm (K. Dozorov, G. Itkin, D. Surkov) |
Electrochemical instruments and sensors based on nanocrystallme materials for bio-, chemical analysis and medical diagnostics (Kh. Brainina, A. Kositzina, V. Kublanov, Ya. Kazakov, M. Khodos) |
New biofeedback technology for electromagnetic therapy of vascular diseases (L.A. Shamkina, P.V. Luzhnov, S.I. Schookin) |
Features of joint brain electric activity and hemodynamics research (E.M. Astapenko, P.V. Luzhnov) |
Algorithm of automatic fibrillation detection (N.A. Bazaev, A.N. Gusev, A.V. Mikitas) |
EEG segmentation based on Higuchi fractal dimension in automatic sleep stage classification (Gendel I., Doroshenkov L.) |
Comparison characteristics of magnetometers based on ceramic superconductors in biomedical applications (L.P. Ichkitidze, M.V. Belodedov) |
Mathematical model of apnea diagnostics data-measuring system (O. Merkulova, N. Ivakhno) |
Advances in CT-technology and medical applications ( Maximillian Reiser ) |
(Bio)sensors based on nano-scale arrays and films of novel electrocatalysts (Arkady Karyakin) |
Digital convergence in biomedical visualization (Michael Rychagov) |
Nanoengineering for artificial organs (Sergey Selishchev) |
Tissue modeling for the impedance imaging of the heart (Y.E. Kirpichenko, D.P. Timohin) |
Impedance imaging in human's precardiac area (Y.E. Kirpichenko, D.P. Timohin) |
Morphometry of dermatoglyphic images (A.A. Khrulev, E.V. Burlay, I.N. Spiridonov) |
Development of numerical methods of iris integral parameters assessment (A.V. Khrustalev, Y.V. Krylov, V.A. Potapov, I.N. Spiridonov) |
Hemodialysis with using biological regeneration of dialysis fluid (N.A. Bazaev, V.M. Grinvald, V.L. Eventov, S.V. Selishchev) |
New approaches to development of means for respiration by multicomponent gas mixtures (Sudarev A.M., Isaev LA., Kantor P.S., Korotich E.V., Dvornikov M. V., Biihtiyarov I.V.) |
An automated complex for respiratory apparatus training (N.V.Ivakhno) |
Technical realization of the external counterpulsation equipment (Sudarev A.M., Isaev LA., Kantor P.S., Korotich E.V.) |
Mental states BCI (D.E. Romanov) |
Multifrequency electrical impedance diagnostics of biotissues in oncological surgery (D.V. Belilk, K.M. Belik) |
Corresponding parameters of bio-object response to phototherapy in the task of biodosimetry control system development (Zmievskoy G.N., Karpukhin V.A., Kosorukov A.E., Gatkin M.A., Kostyukov D.V.) |
The determination of optical characteristics for a high scattering medium on the base of enhanced diffusion model (A.A.Danilov) |
A method for the investigation of psychophysiological status of individuals working under extreme conditions (N.S. Gogulina, I.N. Spiridonov) |
Experimental investigation of optical characteristics of homogeneous high-scattering biological medium (A. A. Danilov, Yu. P. Masloboev, D.A. Potapov, S. V. Selishchev and S. A. Tereshchenko) |
The investigation of tomographical characteristics of coded multi-pinhole apertures constructed on the base of extended pseudorandom sequences (G.A. Fedorov, S.A. Tereshchenko, M.A. Antakov) |
Effect of respiratory gases density on the duration of forced expiratory tracheal noises (A.D’yachenko, Yu. Shulagin, A.Osipova, V. Korenbaum) |
Near real-time stereo depth estimation on GPU (I.I. Leonochev, G.M. Shestopalov) |
Real-time control of the defibrillation waveform with digital signal processor (A. M. Antropov, V.A. Bespalov, B. B. Gorbunov, A. N. Gusev, K. A. Mamekin, I. V. Nesterenko, S. V. Selishchev) |
The hybrid algorithm of ECG-processing (T.V. Istomina, E.V.Istomina, L.Yu.Krivonogov, A.A.Lavreev) |
The diagnostic of cardiovascular system parameters at color-musical influence (Usanova A.D., Usanova L.D.) |
The research of efficiency of devices protected the bioobject from electromagnetic radiation of a cellular telephone (Usanova L.D.,Usanova A.D.) |
The determination of optical characteristics for a high scattering medium on the base of enhanced diffusion model (A.A.Danilov) |
Methods of processing, analysis and definition of QRS in ECG (A.N.Gusev, I.V. Nesterenko, D.B. Rygalin, D.V. Telyshev) |
Estimation of subject emotional state from speech parameters (Vinokurova M., Solovjeva E., Tarasov R.) |
Multifunctional laser noninvasive diagnostic system for medicine (Sidorov V.V., Rogatkin D.A.) |
Opportunities of Method of Dynamic Filtration in Allocation of Significant Markers of EEG Activity (A.F. Indyiikhin, M.Y. Khabarova) |