Diploma Thesis: Augmented reality driving assistance systems
Thesis by: still open
Gudrun Klinker
Supervision by:
Marina Plavsic
Due date:
With the help of Augmented Reality it is possible to present different information in a conformal Head-Up Display (HUD). With increasing usage of sensor systems in automobiles, a huge number of information is made available. An intelligent, situation-dependent display of spatial information is necessary for the driver.
As part of your work, you should investigate and develop different display strategies and concepts for HUD and integrate them in the fixed-based driving simulator of the Institute for Ergonomics, Mechanical Faculty (Fakultät für Machinenwesen).

HUD have a huge potential in increasing the security in vehicles by displaying relevant information in the right moments in the driver's field of view.
Questions, like which information is relevant and in which moment should it be displayed, how many information should be displayed at the same time, where is the best position for the information to be displayed and in what form the information should be displayed, are still open and need a lot of research. In doing so, ergonomical aspects need to be considered.
Information presented in the HUD should be relevant and presented in a self-descriptive way. The relevance depends on the situation and the driver's needs. In that sense, a categorisation of information is needed, regarding its relevance to the driver. It is important to avoid information overload or problems like perception tunneling, cognitive capture and mixture of two realities.
As part of this thesis, different strategies and concepts for the display of information are to be developed. The work should start with a literature research of augmented reality applications in vehicles, followed by the definition of use cases, development of strategies and concepts, as well as, their integration in and evaluation with the static driving simulator.
When to start?
Useful Links
Link zum Fahrsimulator
Chair of Ergonomics