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Bachelor's thesis: Robotic Anisotropic X-ray Dark-field Tomography: calibration

Thesis by: Carolin Bruckmaier
Advisor: Tobias Lasser


Anisotropic X-ray Dark-field Tomography (AXDT) enables the visualization of microstructure orientations without having to explicitly resolve them. Based on the directionally dependent X-ray dark-field signal as measured by an X-ray grating interferometer and our spherical harmonics forward model, AXDT reconstructs spherical scattering functions for every volume position, which in turn allows the extraction of the microstructure orientations. Potential applications range from materials testing to medical diagnostics.


Subject of this thesis is the device holding the sample into the X-ray beam when acquiring data for Anisotropic X-ray Dark-field Tomography (AXDT). The flexibility of the holding device is very crucial, as AXDT requires full angular sampling. In particular, a robot arm is to be integrated into an experimental AXDT setup, including calibration of the robot coordinate system to the X-ray detector. A first prototype algorithm is to be implemented as a simulation, demonstrating the feasibility of the approach and evaluating its potential for practical implementation.


Interest in X-ray computed tomography, knowledge in C++


Title: Robotic Anisotropic X-ray Dark-field Tomography: calibration
Abstract: Anisotropic X-ray Dark-field Tomography (AXDT) enables the visualization of microstructure orientations without having to explicitly resolve them. Based on the directionally dependent X-ray dark-field signal as measured by an X-ray grating interferometer and our spherical harmonics forward model, AXDT reconstructs spherical scattering functions for every volume position, which in turn allows the extraction of the microstructure orientations. Potential applications range from materials testing to medical diagnostics.
Student: Carolin Bruckmaier
Director: Tobias Lasser
Type: Bachelor Thesis
Area: Medical Imaging
Status: finished
Start: 2018/12/15
Finish: 2019/04/15
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