
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Bachelor thesis (BA): An introduction to OR-Use, a systematic usability data acquisition framework for the operating theatre

Thesis by: Max-Emanuel Hoffmann
Advisor: Prof. Nassir Navab
Supervision by: Asli Okur and Ali Bigdelou
Due date: 2011/11/15


Due to the rapid technical development in recent years, studying the usability of a system has become increasingly popular. Usability is seen as a crucial factor for the success of many systems and products. In a complex domain, like the operating room (OR), creating systems with high usability is even more important, as deficiencies in the design can have catastrophic effects. Due to the complexity of medical devices and the associated environment, it is very challenging to gather usability data. Furthermore, there is a deep desire on storing and managing this information to evaluate and though improve the usage of the devices.
In order to manage and evaluate the usability of medical devices, we propose a framework architecture for intra-operative usability data management, which is based on an OR specific domain model. Therefore, our framework provides to record usability logs with respect to the workflows of a surgical intervention. To store the accumulated data, a client server based web service is used to transmit the data to a central location, where further analysis can be applied. In order to document the feasibility and benefits of our system, several performance test are accomplished using a novel imaging device in combination with the proposed framework architecture.


  • Interest in medical technology (You will work most of the time at Klinikum rechts der Isar at IFL)
  • Interest in medicine (You will need to attend to some surgeries within our university hospital)
  • Interdisciplinary Teamwork (Medicine, Physics, Computer Science)
  • Programming experience in mobile platforms (IOS, Android or Windows Mobile) is beneficial

What you get out of it

  • Experience with different exciting research fields in computer science
  • Knowledge about clinical/surgical workflow, medical technology, usability engineering
  • Work within an young international and interdisciplinary team


Title: An introduction to OR-Use, a systematic usability data acquisition framework for the operating theatre
Abstract: Due to the rapid technical development in recent years, studying the usability of a system has become increasingly popular. Usability is seen as a crucial factor for the success of many systems and products. In a complex domain, like the operating room (OR), creating systems with high usability is even more important, as deficiencies in the design can have catastrophic effects. Due to the complexity of medical devices and the associated environment, it is very challenging to gather usability data. Furthermore, there is a deep desire on storing and managing this information to evaluate and though improve the usage of the devices.
In order to manage and evaluate the usability of medical devices, we propose a framework architecture for intra-operative usability data management, which is based on an OR specific domain model. Therefore, our framework provides to record usability logs with respect to the workflows of a surgical intervention. To store the accumulated data, a client server based web service is used to transmit the data to a central location, where further analysis can be applied. In order to document the feasibility and benefits of our system, several performance test are accomplished using a novel imaging device in combination with the proposed framework architecture.
Student: Max-Emanuel Hoffmann
Director: Nassir Navab
Supervisor: Asli Okur and Ali Bigdelou
Type: Bachelor Thesis
Area: Surgical Workflow, Medical Imaging, Molecular Imaging, Computer-Aided Surgery, Medical Augmented Reality
Status: finished
Start: 2011/06/15
Finish: 2011/11/15
Thesis (optional):  

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