Exergotchi 3.0: Using the tamagotchi effect for sports
In this thesis the tamagotchi effect will be used to increase the motivation of people to do sports. The exergotchi's (EXERcise+tamaGOTCHI) physical and emotional state depend on the users' activity. The student in charge of this project gets an unique opportunity to cooperate closely with people from the company
eGym bountifully provides access to their workout machines and also helps supervising the student to get familiar with their machines.
. Real data, automatically collected from the electronical workout machines, will be used to change the physical and emotional state of the exergotchi.
In the context of this thesis, the exergotchi will be integrated to the eGym website which is a social network for sports. Additionally, an Android app will be developed to enable the users to carry their personell exergotchi with them. During training, the smartphone-exergotchi will start to do the same training as soon as the user starts the training.
The students task is to optimize the concept itself (based on own ideas, on literature research, and on disuccsions with experts from eGym) and to implement the needed tools to perform an evaluation with 5 to 10 test users in an multi-session evaluation. The final goal is to answer the question if users feel more motivated to do sports when their own exergotchis health and mood depend on their activity.
The image below shows an example, how the website could look like once the exergotchi is integrated
The following images show first-draft examples of how the exergotchi could look like in different physical and emotional states
During Training (Realtime) |
Lazy 0.5 |
Lazy 1.0 |
Active 0.5 |
Active 1.0 |
Student's tasks
- Literature Research (Background & Related Work)
- Improve the concept (Based on a Requirement Analysis and based on the literature)
- Kickoff presentation
- Implement the concept
- Design a compartive evaluation with 5 to 10 test users and 3 to 5 training sessions
- Analyse the quantitative and qualitative results
- Write your thesis
- Final presentation
Language: German or English
In cooperation with