
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Radiation exposure and protection in radionuclide-guided surgery

Type: IDP (Informatics)
Student: Radu Diaconescu
Advisor: Nassir Navab, Sibylle Ziegler
Supervision by: Philipp Matthies, Asli Okur, Dzhoshkun Shakir


Radionuclide-guided surgery is becoming more and more popular, due to the emergence of novel intra-operative imaging modalities like, but not limited to, FreehandSPECT. Intra-operative modalities like this provide real-time guidance to the OR staff, especially the surgeon, in making correct decisions, and therefore have a growing impact on the workflow. Thereby one question to be answered is: What is the dosis and effect of the radiation exposure of the OR stuff?


This project aims to provide a basis for answering the question of the effect of radiation exposure on the OR stuff. In addition, intra-operative radiation protection mechanisms are to be studied.


After defining a theoretical basis for modeling the radiation exposure in radionuclide-guided surgery, simulations are to be made for validating this model.


  • Strong knowledge of nuclear physics
  • Familiarity with state-of-the-art radiotracers used in nuclear imaging
  • Background in medicine (especially in the physiology of radio-labeled molecules) is of advantage

Title: Radiation exposure and protection in radionuclide-guided surgery
Abstract: Radionuclide-guided surgery is becoming more and more popular, due to the emergence of novel intra-operative imaging modalities like, but not limited to, FreehandSPECT. Intra-operative modalities like this provide real-time guidance to the OR staff, especially the surgeon, in making correct decisions, and therefore have a growing impact on the workflow. Thereby one question to be answered is: What is the dosis and effect of the radiation exposure of the OR stuff?
Student: Radu Diaconescu
Director: Nassir Navab, Sibylle Ziegler
Supervisor: Philipp Matthies, Asli Okur, Dzhoshkun Shakir
Type: IDP/Klinisches Anwendungsprojekt
Area: Surgical Workflow, Computer-Aided Surgery
Status: finished
Finish: 2013/05/31
Thesis (optional):  

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