
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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-- FranziskaBayer - 26 May 2004
Attendants: Marco Feuerstein, Imran Shafiq, Franziska Bayer

TASK: Viewer Control for Medical Imaging & Visualization


  1. Loading DICOM, META file formats
  2. Converting DICOM-META
  3. File Information Viewer
  4. Patient Information Viewer
  5. Slider Control to Browse through the slices
  6. Applying Filters on the Images
  7. Transforming Images
  8. Volume Rendering


  1. Compile FL-Inventor , FLTK and ITK on windows
  2. Understanding of Open Inventor Architecture
  3. Review of DICOM viewer tools
  4. Understanding of DICOM file format
  5. Understanding META file format
  6. Understanding of DICOMParser
  7. Understanding of itkIMageIO Architecture of ITK
  8. Developing first prototype of DICOM File Reader component
  9. Documentation, Website update and Management


  • Franziska:
    • Task 2, 9
    • C++, OOP, STL

  • Mohan:
    • Task 3, 4
    • C++, OOP, STL

  • Imran:
    • Task 1, 6, 7

Edit | Attach | Refresh | Diffs | More | Revision r1.1 - 26 May 2004 - 12:42 - FranziskaBayer